Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalms 46:10
Let me invite you this moment to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. It's easy because Jesus Christ has already paid the price for your redemption and salvation. It's by His grace you can be saved. All you have to do is confess and believe in your heart in Him as you pray this prayer in faith.
Dear Jesus Christ speak to my heart. Change my life. Forgive me of my sins. Wash me clean by your precious Blood. I believe and confess you are the Son of God. You came here by virgin birth as both God and man. I believe and confess You gave your life at Calvary and rose again victoriously on the 3rd day. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Redeemer before God and men. In Jesus Christ's Almighty Name I pray this. Amen!
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Confirmations Page 2
These confirmations are to bring glory and honor to Father God and my lovely Jesus Christ. I was simply the one They chose to use for these dreams, words and visions.
Click on picture for PDF
We Have Arrived Dream 5-15-21@6:19AM With Confirmation 3-8-25
I awoke to these words this morning, “He rises, he rises to power this evil man known to
become antichrist, the man of sin...of perdition.” “I feel his presence in our world, his very
movement and his existence, Lord Jesus! I dreamed again this morning. This dream begins in what appeared to be a medium size room, luxuriously furnished with an expensive dark blue, possibly navy leather sofa...a sectional I believe for it appeared to be shaped in the letter “L,” yet it did not sit flush to the wall but it was sitting more toward the center of the room with room enough for two people walking beside each other to pass behind easily together. I know there was expensive carpeting but the color I cannot tell for my view was centered on the sofa. The door to this room was on the left and so was the bottom of the “L” of this sofa. Sitting on this sofa near the right end was the man I know to be antichrist. I have seen him before. He is sitting with his back flush to the back of this leather expensive sofa with it’s huge quarter size dark blue buttons which pull and hold the material in pockets all across its back with both his arms spread out in each direction and his right leg was crossing his left leg with his ankle propped upon his knee. I can see black socks just peeking above his expensive black shiny shoes that have narrow tiny black shoestrings that are neatly tied in uniformly sized bows.
He’s wearing a blue, a very dark blue silk suit like the one I saw in the painting of the
dream I had that you had also given me Lord Jesus that you had me titled, “the delusion has
begun” where his painting, his picture was at the end of the hall of pictures but this time he is
wearing a crisp white shirt instead of black and the paisley dark red tie he wore was undone and
hanging loosely from around his neck. His suit jacket is unbuttoned and open and with his arms
spread wide open on each side of him, I can see the lining on the inside. I can tell its satin from
the shiny sheen of the material. To the right of him my eyes see an intricately carved prestigious desk of dark walnut. I know somehow when I look at this desk, the top though unseen to the eye is somehow a computer also but its technology is not fully known to the common everyday person like myself, but only available to a select few in the hidden upper class of society that secretly runs things and works from the shadows of life.
My eyes return to the man who is smiling, smiling from ear to ear. He is pleased with
himself! Satisfied greatly with something that has occurred, yet the smile never reaches his
eyes! His eyes are cruel and full of great malice! Then all of a sudden, he lays his head
backwards and begins to laugh...a deep horrible sinister laugh that chills me to the bone! Then I
hear his voice speak, and if it were not the voice of pure evil, it would have been found
deceptively pleasing to the ear. He speaks these words raising his head forward as he does. “Master, master we have arrived! We have arrived!” Then he lays his head back onto the back of the sofa and laughs and laughs wickedly! But he sits alone in this room laughing, this dark-haired man I have seen before, that is antichrist...a private celebration between him and his lord Satan. Then I realized that somehow this office room is actually in some type of airplane
and he, antichrist, has just come from being elected the supreme ruler of our world and on his
way to take his position as ruler of all.
As the dream starts to fade, I see the outside of the plane that doesn’t really seem like a
normal plane and I know also in this dream that it doesn’t seem to need the wind...yet it flies. I
hear his continually evil laughter and it jolts me out of my sleep. Then as I said before I awoke to these words this morning, “He rises, he rises to power this evil man known to become antichrist
the man of sin...of perdition.” People get ready for all these things are happening sooner...and closer than we think and this is soon to become a reality! Stay close to Jesus...under His Blood. Keep your heart right before Him, for if not you will be left to try to survive a world where evil reigns supreme with no restraints. This is the third dream I have had of this man not including visions and it is the same man every time. It is a man whose name in this dream I cannot reveal but he’s very much alive today in our world.
This man is Emmanuel Macron. Confirmation sent to me. Here are the shoes I saw in the dream and guess who is wearing them? This comment was sent to me with the pictures. “ Vicki! Macron's well-polished shoes on the red carpet and on his "normal" walk, he protects them with "plastic bags!" This is interesting considering how you describe his clothes and shoes in your latest video

Posted 2-1-25

Insert from dream confirmed.
"Taiwan shall be invaded by Xi Jinping, China's forces. It's inevitable now before their next Year's celebrations fully expire. Snow shall come in an abundance of wintry mix and it's now firmly in our world's forecast. Snow in Ukraine is to come in that of the predicted unnatural kind but also snow in abundance in Canada and the US of the natural kind. Though this that shall fall is due to our technology manipulating the polar vortex causing cold air to drop into a region once again.

Posted 1-29-25

The NESARA Dream 1-16-25@1:43 AM Shared 1-25-25 with Confirmation 1-29-25
Vicki Goforth Parnell
Jesus Christ my love I'm here to write this dream out. Sweet Holy Spirit please help me to write each word down from Father God and Jesus Christ as it was given to me.
It began when I found myself standing in a very high ceiling room. I'm looking up toward the rounded center of the ceiling of this grand building. It has all types of paintings and symbolism in the artwork but that's not what has gotten my full attention. Falling from the rounded ceiling was paper money, dollar bills. The whole floor was being covered by the falling money. As I looked around at the highly polished floor now covered with this money I noticed something peculiar about these paper bills. They're all colorful. It's rainbow colored money. I reached down and grabbed a few to examine them more closely. They each have rainbow colors made throughout each bill although the ones I have picked up are not the same. These colorful bills are American I determine because of the US president's on each one.
I stopped suddenly as I noticed one has a face of President Donald J. Trump. This is the $50 bill. I saw $20 bills and $100 bills but nothing smaller in what has fallen from the air of the ceiling of this round dome type building. As I'm looking at all the money that has fallen covering the floor around me I let the bills I was holding in my hands fall to the floor. Something is wrong here I know somehow. All of a sudden I heard a low sound coming from the fallen bills on the floor. I noticed now they are no longer falling, they have stopped. I bent over to try to hear where the noise was coming from. They're on the floor. I saw one of the $50 rainbow colored bills with President Trump's picture displayed was where the low sounding noise was coming from.
I leaned a little closer feeling the need to hear what's being said but also to not pick up any of the money again. Upon closer observation I could tell the mouth is moving on the $50 bill. The words spoken by the picture of President Trump are all in a whispered voice. I heard this one word being repeated. "NESARA, NESARA." Then somehow his hand appeared and he placed his finger up to his lips and said, "Shhhh...!" Then he winked at me and once again the picture on the $50 bill became nothing more than an unmoving picture. Suddenly a wind blew all around me and the rainbow colored money was caught up in a small whirlwind that moved to the left of me and dropped all the money into one neat pile. Then just as quickly as the wind had come, it left. I looked into the pile of colorful money when it suddenly burst into flames. I watched it all burn to ash.
I heard a powerful voice thunder inside of the building. It spoke in a voice of authority. "This is not to be! America has been judged. You are guilty! There are no buyouts, no reformation, or recovery for this nation." Then it spoke in an even firmer voice these words. "Donald J. Trump you have been raised up for a purpose but you are not the savior of this nation, nor are you the savior of this world. Nor will America which is Babylon to Me ever fully recover from My judgment's hand." Then the scene changed.
Now I'm inside a vault I can tell by the metal walls. Immediately my eyes are drawn to an enormous pile of gold inside the room that stretches back as far as my eyes could see. I turned my observation to the rest of the inside of the vault and still I saw gold everywhere. Lots and lots of gold but also silver and other precious metals with the majority of those still being gold. I heard voices coming from the back area of the vault. I felt a strong inclination to listen. A man's voice was speaking and I recognized it as being president Trump's. "Uncle Sam, we will return the currency back to the gold backed standard after we remove the Federal reserve system that's in place. We will make America great again. This is our golden age." From out of nowhere I'm handed a folded piece of paper. I opened it up and wrote in neat handwriting these words.
"Your gold will not save your nation nor will I gold backed money in a nation that I have collapsed its economy. Once Babylon-America is struck and falls within one hour, once she defaults on her loans, unable to repay nations of your world, your gold will be useless. In a digital world where money and currency will reside your gold will be useless once you're surrounded on all sides by your enemies. I am the Savior of this world and nation Donald J Trump, not you! A purpose and a plan by My divine hand is why you reside in the oval office of power." Then the same changed again."
I found myself sitting at a small restaurant table sipping a cup of tea. There on the wall was a flat screen TV displaying the news. I could see a black male newscaster in a tan suit jacket with a white shirt with horizontal and vertical blue stripes on it, was speaking. "Here we have some of Trump's statements and campaign pledges," he said. A person walked up to my table and handed me a menu. They left without speaking, I didn't see who they were. I looked at the menu curious to see what was offered. Instead of drinks and food being offered it read as follows.
N = National
E = Economic
S = Security
A = And
R = Reformation
A = Act
Then it had several things that were supposed to be part of the NESARA plan. I begin to read to myself. I realized NESARA is a plan to change many things for our nation. But I had heard of it before I thought to myself. With many people calling it a myth, a conspiracy theory, and such like while many others still declare it is legit. As I'm pondering on why this was handed to me to read, the newscaster’s voice interrupted my thought. "President Trump has pledged during his campaign to help all seniors." "Wait!" I said to myself, "That's on the list of the NESARA's plan of changes."
The newsman continued, "Our President Trump has made it known in his first term as our U.S. President that he suggests a gold backed money must replace the currency issued we currently use in the United States, also in past times prior to his first election." "What!" I exclaimed softly so no one would hear me and draw attention to myself. "That's one of the reforms also in the NESARA plan-law I just read. President Trump, is he trying to bring NESARA piece by piece without openly declaring it? If it's declared according to the plan there would have to be an election within or by 120 days for a new president and whole government this reads. Can President Trump try to implement it without declaring it openly to maintain his elected position as U.S. President? Would he?" I asked but before I could think further the newscaster's words drew my focus back to him.
"President Trump proposes once and for all to remove the federal income tax. We will be watching to see if he carries this through or if it's just campaign rhetoric." My mouth dropped open. Quickly I looked down again at the NESARA paper. It speaks of this too. The complete removal or abolishment of the federal income tax. "Jesus Christ I do believe he is trying to do this," I said to myself. I continued to listen and the newscaster speaking of President Trump has spoken of bringing the Federal reserve under control. Possibly removing it all together or merging it into another part of the government. That's on here too," I said to myself. "This is no coincidence," I thought just as the announcer said, "President Trump speaks of shutting down the IRS. Also he will move for changes in the U.S. election to ensure the process is fair for the people of this great nation." "Okay," I said, "what's going on? So far all that he has said, President Trump has spoken not only in the pre-election but in past times all point to NESARA being implemented. If this is the case as it evidently appears to be...... Then again I asked, "Why not just declare it if it is a legitimate law?" No answer came. But another person walked over to my table and took the NESARA menu type document from my hands and replaced it with another.
Displayed upon it in bold letters is written, "NESARA will fail! The colorful money though gold backed awaiting to be released to the public will fail! Your President Trump will not openly declare it unless heavy pressure is applied because he does not want to take the chance of not being reelected. Also he is too busy accepting the praise and worship of the people of your nation and the world as the savior who shall bring peace and set all things straight. Peace shall not be returned to the world ever again except for the false period of peace the man of sin shall bring forth to deceive the world and then the time of the thousand year reign of Jesus Christ the true Savior of the world. Babylon-America has been judged. She is guilty and still refuses to repent. In the words that men can understand, "NESARA is a bust!! Babylon shall never be great again." And it was signed, "Official letter from the Courts of Heaven."
I looked up in surprise to see the person who had handed me the last paper walking away from my table. The man looked back toward me then his street clothes changed into a shining white raiment. Great big wings appeared on his back of tannish gold and white and he flew up and disappeared through the restaurant ceiling and roof. Then I awoke.
Exodus 9:16; 2 Chronicles 20:6; Numbers 12:6; Job 33:14-16; Amos 3:7-8; Romans 9:17; 13:1; Daniel 2: 21-22; Proverbs 8:15-16; 21:1; Psalms 75:7; Luke 15:2; Psalms 47:8; Jeremiah 23:28; Psalms 75:5-7; Daniel 4:17; Jeremiah 27:5; Proverbs 6:12-15; 16:9; 12; Ezekiel 19:21; Zephaniah 1:18
***Newscasters pledges and statements made in reference to President Trump past and present. Then how it is found inside the NESARA PLAN-LAW.***
1. Pledges to help all seniors.
A. NESARA - Increase benefits to senior citizens
2. Our president has made it known in his first term that gold backed money must replace current currency and pastimes prior to his election.
A. NESARA - Create a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency (This is the rainbow dollar bills at the beginning of the dream.) backed by gold, silver, and platinum precious metals ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.
3. President Trump proposes one and for all to remove the federal income tax.
A. NESARA - Abolish the income tax
4. President Trump has spoken of bringing the Federal reserve under control possibly removing it all together emerging it into another part of the government.
A. NESARA - Eliminates the Federal reserve system. During the transition period the Federal reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal reserve notes from the money supply.
5. President Trump is speaking of shutting down the IRS.
A. NESARA - Abolish the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.
6. He will move for changes in the election process to ensure the process is fair for the people of this great nation.
A. NESARA - Monitors elections and prevents illegal activities of special interest groups.
Other parts of NESARA not in this dream the President Trump is fulfilling or beginning to.
NESARA - Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.
NESARA - Restores Constitutional Law.