Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalms 46:10
Let me invite you this moment to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. It's easy because Jesus Christ has already paid the price for your redemption and salvation. It's by His grace you can be saved. All you have to do is confess and believe in your heart in Him as you pray this prayer in faith.
Dear Jesus Christ speak to my heart. Change my life. Forgive me of my sins. Wash me clean by your precious Blood. I believe and confess you are the Son of God. You came here by virgin birth as both God and man. I believe and confess You gave your life at Calvary and rose again victoriously on the 3rd day. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Redeemer before God and men. In Jesus Christ's Almighty Name I pray this. Amen!
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
These confirmations are to bring glory and honor to Father God and my lovely Jesus Christ. I was simply the one They chose to use for these dreams, words and visions.

Newest added 1-17-25

I Will Not Be Mocked. The Door to Grace is Shut 7-30-24@7:16 PM & Other Shared Content with Confirmation concerning Fire & Burning.
Vicki Goforth Parnell 1-17-25
I Will Not Be Mocked. The Door to Grace is Shut 7-30-24@7:16 PM
I will not be mocked daughter. I will not be mocked daughter. The man of sin thinks he can openly mock Me and I will turn and look the other way. I would turn the other cheek. I’m done turning the cheek!
I am God and I am holy and I am righteous. I am humble and patient, and long-suffering. And I have strove for the souls of men. My Son has toiled and toiled….no more! Judgement’s hand falls and does not stop until all is destroyed of this vile, vile wicked earth. Like Sodom and Gomorrah I shall burn their wicked places, their wicked cities…and their high altars, their high places to the ground.
Run to the mountains children, run to the mountains. I'm sending My Son. I'm sending My Son for His bride, our children, so they will escape the wrath to come. My anger is kindled. My wrath is yet to come, but I will not be mocked! This mockery, this mockery in Me stops and of My Son.
They go to church on Sunday, raise their hand, shout hallelujah, and hit the bars on Wednesday or on Friday. They play their little poker games and gamble. I see it all. They watch their dirty movies that I would not even watch Myself if it wasn't for the fact that I can see all. Every man is giving him an amount of grace that will come but grace’s door is shut. I shut the door now. I will not be ridiculed. I will not be ridiculed by the inhabitants of the earth I created, that I own. The earth and the Heavens, this firmament I created, I am owner. I spoke, My Son moved, My Spirit moved. The Earth is Mine and I will purge the world from its filth and ungodliness with fire.
It takes fire to purge and cleanse. Fire...fire to burn, fire to purify, fire to melt. Did you not learn from Sodom and Gomorrah? Wicked, wicked people now I shall rain down fire from your own devices. I shall call fire to erupt by My command upon your land and your houses. I shall cause storms that will strike the great lightning bolts and cause fires. I will cause wars....allow war to erupt and it shall cause fires. Cities will be devastated, cities will be burned. I will cause the mountains to move and the volcanoes will erupt and I will burn..... I will burn it all. I will purge this world of its filth. Is it not written? Is it not written? By my servant and apostle Peter who walked with My Son when He walked the Earth as both God and man.
I Bring the Darkness Now 1-8-25@4:50 PM
I begin the burning of this world by My command in the fervor melting of the elements by man's own weapons and technology I allowed to be used against them now. Daughter as I have spoken through you with the plagues that have started coming and will come to full term all over this world as I command through My children, so shall it be with the burning, with the storms, with all these things. Open your eyes children. Is not man's technology from the fallen angels and the nephilim being used against you, the people of this world and its inhabitants? Yes it is. But oh what a surprise when I reach down with My hand and take control of what man thought they had created. It is I who control what is done and what is allowed here on this earth.
War is Imminent in America 11-12-19@5:16 AM
…Already protesting, the earth will begin to shake and quake under the wrath of My judgments. Earthquakes, massive earthquakes will rip through the earth in various places causing destruction, death, and much chaos but this is only the beginning. I will release nature’s fury, her wrath in full force upon the earth holding nothing back, no restraints. You think that you have seen the severeness of the weather already. No, Child, it is as you say, “it’s just the tip of the iceberg. Your “storms of the centuries” will become common occurrences in the water and upon the land. The fierceness of the wind and its destructive force shall rip your homes, the trees, your cars. All things will be affected by nature’s great forces. Wind tunnels, whirlwinds will run rampant across the lands, and hail in great size shall fall from the sky causing death and destruction to man and beast alike. Understand Me, Child, I am not talking about your hail that’s about the size of a small rock, a pebble. I am talking about huge chunks of ice falling from the sky with the ability to strike down what it hits. I am not playing any games here Child, for it is time for the people to wake up and realize that everything that I speak of is about to befall the earth. I will, during this time, call forth the sun at various other locations unaffected by the great storms and flooding to use its powerful rays given to it by Me and have him scorch the earth with vehement heat. The sun will begin to dry up and burn the earth causing fires, destroying the ground where your crops will fail and even your waters will begin to dry up.
Council of 13 I See You 1-24-23@5:21 PM
A cursing of mildew and mold shall destroy the very crops you have hidden from the eyes of the world, but not Mine. I see it all. I burn up the Earth, scorching it in an erroneous heap.
He Shall Give His Angels Charge Over You Dream 7-9-24 @ 4:45 AM
He abruptly stopped then said through clenched teeth, "I shall take your nation down. I will burn it down with not only these hidden suitcases but I will cause other nations loyal to me to rain down more nuclear weapons when I give the orders for the war against America to begin." I called him by his real name and said boldly. "All that you can order is only what Father God and Jesus Christ allows and no more. So what you will be doing is simply fulfilling the written and spoken Word of God in His timeline for the end of days."
“In Revelation 18 we are told Babylon which is America falls, burns within 1 hour. Yet Jesus Christ has spoken to me and others of His true children this nation shall be burned by fire in many ways. In the end at some point or another after whichever disaster hits first and doesn't cause the cities to be burned. Then if not before, most will be when America is attacked then invaded because our nation as a whole is indeed wicked, corrupt and evil. So whether it's your orders to launch nuclear missiles by Putin's hands or the extreme heat, the cities being invaded with the invading armies burning them down or whatever else Father God decides it will still be on the commands of Father God and His Son Jesus Christ for it to be done. You are simply fulfilling your part in His created timeline of things until time on Earth expires."
I Send Fire Now 12-17-24@1:19 PM
Noah is referenced because the days were evil just like in Lot’s days. They partook in the sins of mating with strange flesh as well. But I had My Son mention “as in the days of Noah and of Lot” together so the world knows the judgment coming will cover the whole world as with the times in Noah’s days. But also it shall come by fire this time as My prophets and apostles, my servants have spoken it.
But first the elements shall melt under mankind’s hands as they once again try to destroy each other at the urging of lucifer, the fallen ones and their demons, and others loyal to them of human and mutated nature. I am allowing this as I have foretold in My written Word because mankind as a whole is evil.
What is Yet to Come Word 4-26-22@2:25PM
A shaking, a quaking, a rumble, a wave, a releasing, a fire of all fires, a toxic plume, a raging war of the nuclear sort begins, as hidden ones are released as well. Your President Trump sits in his rightful place…..
Fires in California
Fat Boy Type Weapon Dream
11-8-24@5:56 AM With Confirmation of it & Others 12-24-24
​For Father God & Jesus Christ's glory!

Please pray about this in Jesus Christ's name and try, test and discern it according to the Word of God. Let all things be done to glorify Father God through Jesus Christ His Son.
I dreamed again Father God, Jesus Christ. I have prayed about it, tried and tested it and now I’m here to write it down with sweet Holy Spirit’s help.
It began with me in a suburb type setting in which I am in one of the homes. It’s not my place of residency, I knew going into the dream but I was there because of what was happening. Across the street was another home. Beside the home the man had a nuclear bomb. A fat man, a fat boy is what he called it. I called it fat and squabby. He is continually saying, “I’ve got a fat boy type missile and I’m going to use it.” The whole suburb had heard his threats yet no one seemed alarmed except for a few people inside the house I was staying in.
*** My understanding is this. The man across the street means their lands are connected by the street symbolic of a land border. They are neighbors. The man/neighbor with the fat boy type weapons is making continual brags, threats, and taunts to the neighborhood…those watching who represents and is symbolic for the whole world. His brags are centered around this one particular fat boy weapon which is also a bomb but also a missile that he is ready to use. This is the Oreshnik that Putin used on November 21, 2024. Also the Oreshnik is smaller in size being a medium size ballistic missile compared to the larger ICBM and such like but it contains the capability to be nuclear armed. Putin…just like the neighbor in the dream has been bragging about its power to the world. He continually threatens to use it again on Ukraine and implying its use on the US and Nato countries too. Now he has challenged the U.S. to a missile duel against his Oreshnik. ***
Everybody on both sides of the street heard his loud but quiet threats. No one evacuated their homes. Why I am at this particular house that's directly across from the man making the threats that he has a fat boy type weapon I'm not sure yet. I can actually see it because it's openly sitting outside the home in his side yard. I'm inside the house opposite it across the street. There are at least two females and one male in the home. I am talking to all three of them as we sat across the table.
"You got to leave," I said. "Make preparations to find somewhere else to live while there’s still time. The man across the street will use his Fat boy top weapon." The older dark-haired woman who I knew was a mother of the other two spoke in a soft but firm voice. "The man is crazy. He has a weapon but it's only a shell. He makes empty threats." "No, that's not correct," I said. "I have been praying and Jesus Christ has shown me it's fully loaded and operational." The woman's eyes narrowed sharply as she spoke. "He would be a fool to do such a thing. But because you have come into our house out of love for our concern and safety when my husband returns we will discuss this further. I will give him the warning." Then she looked at me and said, "You're welcome to stay here until he gets home and arrangements can be made to send you safely on your way. But until I speak with my husband, the ruler of this house we will not be leaving or even begin making any such preparations.
My heart sank within my chest but I gave her a little smile and said, "Thank you for listening and hearing me out." "You are welcome," she replied. I noticed her son and daughter kept their heads down during the whole conversation. The daughter appeared to be in her early or mid twenties with the son a little younger in his age. We were dismissed from the table. The mother headed toward the kitchen. The daughter followed in that direction. I got up and headed for the living room area that had a large open window. You could see the neighbor's house clearly across the dividing street.
I stopped to gaze at the weapon across the street at the side of the man's house who once again is standing outside shouting to all he's going to use the fat boy type weapon. Then he pointed at the house we were in. The woman's son came and stood beside me. He also is dark-headed as well as his sister whose hair color matched that of their mother. Which I thought odd because usually there is at least a slight variance in the children's hair color because a different gene traits of each parent that's contributed to them at conception.
I'm looking thoughtfully at the whole scene before me when the son spoke and said, "You're not wrong. The man's weapon is not an empty shell." "How do you know that?" I asked quickly. "Because I sneaked over there one night while all were sleeping. There's only so much you can see from observing it from the window. I was able to sneak over unobserved and return safely to my room. I told my father but he responded angrily. He accused me of trying to cause fear in the family and not to tell such lies to the people in our suburb. So I haven't spoken to anyone else about it until now. But you know things most people do not. How is that possible?" He asked. The information I get is from Father God in Heaven, our Creator through His Son Jesus Christ. He tells me and shows me things through His Holy Spirit," I said softly. " "I have heard of your God being able to do such things but when I've asked if these things are true that He can do, everyone in this neighborhood compares them to the man across the street. A man who makes empty threats they say with no power to back up his words."
I looked at him intently then said quickly, "That's wrong information on both accounts. First the God I serve Jehovah, our Creator is all powerful but He is love above all else. He is patient and long-suffering when He sends a warning of something He is about to do. A warning of judgment is sent out of love for His creation mankind. It is a warning of punishment coming for evil wicked sins. Sometimes it comes immediately, most times it does not because the God of Heaven through His Son Jesus Christ gives us time to repent. This means a time to ask forgiveness of all the wrong evil things we've done and time to change our ways. If after this given time the people have turned from their evil ways then that judgment can be averted or suspended to a later time, if the people return to their sinful ways. He being God can even remove the judgment if He so chooses. But when it's time for Him to move, to act in His power and righteous judgment there's no denying it was His hand that moved upon our world.”
“It's going to be the same concerning this man across the street in that he is not making empty threats. He has the power of his fat boy type missile to back up his words. Even though people like your father are denying it and calling it empty threats. That's why the God of Heaven through Jesus Christ who is my Lord and Savior has brought me here to warn you." The young man looked at me thoughtfully. "I will think on your words," he said. Then he looked out the window and said, "Father and this man have been feuding for a long time. I believe this man will use this weapon on us. We'll wait until father gets back and see how he leads us to proceed." "Fair enough, " I replied, then the same changed.
I know it’s the same day somehow and I'm sitting outside beside the house I have visited in the somewhat brittle grass. I am praying as I look over to the man's place with the fat boy type weapon in the side yard. I know he's going to use it. There's only a street dividing the two houses. When he does use it there will be much damage because the weapon's close enough to do major damage to not only the house but the whole suburb. "Jesus Christ my love what should I do?" One little reply I heard gently spoken to me, "Watch daughter." I complied immediately and turned my full attention on the house across the street. From where I'm sitting at an angle in the yard I'm able to see directly into his house. His front window to be exact. The man in question I see has what looks like a wall that has nothing but control panels and computers built into it. He is standing at the gray console pushing buttons.
I heard him say, "It's time." Then he walks toward the front door. As he comes out the front door he sees me but doesn't care. "He's going to fire. He's going to fire this weapon," I said to myself. The man walks over to the side of his yard where the fat boy type squabby missile is sitting uncovered in the yard. And open threat not hidden for all to see it has been. He gets behind the weapon and with great force and strength he begins pushing the weapon to the front of his property. The property line with only the street dividing it. Suddenly the black fat missile changes into a long narrow sleek silver tipped one. He looks at it triumphantly. I jumped up and ran into the house.
*****He’s preparing to use the satan 2.*****
"He's going to fire!" I shouted out. I stopped myself abruptly when I almost collided into the father of the home who had returned unnoticed by me."What is all the shouting about?" He asked sternly. "The man, your neighbor is preparing to fire his weapon, only it's no longer the fat and squabby looking one." The man looked at me almost hatefully then said. "We have been feuding for years. He has threatened us with these types of weapon threats and has failed to use them. They are empty threats like his missiles." "No father," his son spoke up. "You know this is not true. I told you I went to his yard. His weapon is not an empty shell on display. I told you this weeks ago."
Surprise filled the mother's face and fear filled the daughter's. She looked quickly to her son and she knew he was speaking the truth. She turned to her husband and asked. "Why did you not tell us? Why let us believe his weapons would not be used on us? We are too close. There's no time to get far enough away from the weapon's power. Why would you do that to us, your family and the people around us? We trusted you and you knew all along the threat was real," she said almost in disbelief of the change of events I had just occurred. "We have to leave and leave now," she said imploringly to her husband.
He replied almost angrily. "And where would we go? Where can any of us go to safety to get out of reach of the man's fat boy type weapon? I say he will not fire! This feud must continue but by other means." The young son looked at his father then said. "Tell that to him father. She's right, he's going to fire, only his weapon has changed." The whole family turned to the large window to see the view before them. The neighbor man is triumphantly dancing around the now long sleek weapon as if doing a victory dance even before launching it. I saw shock on each face as a color drain from them of the father, mother, and daughter.
The daughter spoke up for the first time. "I'm out of here, you lied to us." Then she took off running toward the back door of the house. "Where will you go?" The father shouted. You cannot escape the weapon's reach." The daughter shouted back. "Who knows, maybe the God Vicki was speaking of will protect me if I ask His Son into my heart to forgive me. I'm not staying here!” Then I heard the door slam as if she had hastily exited the door fully. Apparently she had heard me speak to her brother about Father God and Jesus Christ. The father let out a string of curse words as he gave me a murderous look. "You're the cause of this," he shouted with his hands clenched.
I looked at him and then calmly pointed to the window and said, "Your feud with him is the cause. I came only to give the warning to all who will listen. This man will fire! He's preparing to fire now even as we speak." This caused all eyes to turn to the neighbor man who had quit dancing and instead now held a giant unlit match in his hands. The match was longer in length than him. He walks to the back of the missile then with hardly any difficulty he runs it across a brittle ground and it bursts into flames. A smile appeared on his face. He looks over to the house we're in and smiles even bigger. Then he holds the match to the back of the sleek long missile and it ignites somehow with smoke coming out the back as the missile slowly begins coming alive.
The mother begins screaming. The son falls to his knees praying and the father screams defiantly, "He will not use his weapon! He will not fire! This is not the rules in our engagement." As he’s screaming his face changes into that of President Zelensky of Ukraine. I looked out over the dividing line of the street to the man standing beside the alive missile. He now has a face of Vladimir Putin. I heard these words inside the dream being spoken. "I have sent warning through many of My children's voices yet few have listened and taken them to heart. I do not speak idle words through those who are really Mine. You were warned this day would come. Now it's here." Then I see the missile begin to fly toward the house we're in and I awoke suddenly with my heart beating fast in my chest. I hear my lovely Jesus Christ say to me in my shaken state. “It's time daughter, it's time.”
Ezekiel 38:8-20; 31-33; Matthew 26:41; Proverbs 29:2; 16; 20; Ezekiel 22:27; Matthew 10:28; Luke 21:28; Philippians 3:18-19; Proverbs 28:15; 25; 28; Amos 3:7; Ezekiel 3:17-19; Matthew 11:25; Deuteronomy 29:29; Luke 8:17
The new missile is an ICBM.
Other related information from my lovely Jesus Christ with full and partial entries directly concerning this subject of Ukraine and Putin Firing.
On the Eve of It All Word 12-30-21@6:08PM Partial Entry
All that you know in this life now ends. It ends now, except for Me because I change not. I change not daughter. I change not. This time has been appointed by the Father and it shall come to pass. It comes to pass now.”
Putin sits on the border of the Ukraine with his hands on a hairpin trigger and it is I that shall utter the command to start. I do My Father’s will. Judgment has arrived. It has arrived! War has arrived just as I have declared it would be upon your world.
7-16-22 prophetic word given to Vicki Goforth Parnell (Shared 1-23-24)
Given while praying in tongues and written down by one in the prayer group.
Putin! Putin!
Strikes Ukraine.
Nuclear power.
Ukraine falls, falls.
A Word of Warning to Ukraine 8-21-24@10:22 AM Partial Entry
Daughter take these words down. You have heard Me speak these words to you for many of your days. Now write them down.
Vladimir Putin will use a nuclear device, a weapon on the Ukraine's people. The time is near daughter for this day to end of the new one to begin. Night has fallen already with evening shades already having fallen below the sun's horizon. Dawn is about to rise. Dawn of ushers in My Great Day. You are living inside My final hour containing your remaining Earth days held within.
Putin will use the nuclear weapon on Ukraine's forces and in the end Ukraine will fall because it is part of the land of Magog and which Gog rules when he advances fully on Israel. I said fully daughter not his partial participation soon to become fully evident upon your world scene.
Now is Now Word 12-25-21 @ 7:11PM With Confirmations Partial Entries concerning Ukraine directly
His armies advances! His armies advances. It’s like a powder keg that the fuse has almost burned down to the keg igniting the powder and exploding. War is here!
He advances! He advances! He advances!
Putin advances under radar.
He advances. He advances
Time for war! Time for war! Time for war!
It’s time! It’s time! It’s time!
It begins Now! Now I say...Now
(All the above information is about Vladmir Putin and Russia warning of the coming invasion of Ukraine. Russia invaded Ukraine on 2-24-22.)
He advances! He advances!
It begins Now!
Under the radar! Under the radar! Under the radar!
Putin is a sly one, a sly fox
Full of deceit, much deceit and subtleties
Putin sits behind the controls ready to strike your once great nation
But first he will strike the Ukraine
The advancement has begun!
It has begun! It has begun!
Yet still under the radar
Under the radar!
Under the radar I say Daughter, but not for long!
Not for long
His actions are the beginning of the now time,
The beginning of war.
Under the radar he flies!
He moves!
He directs!
He guides and leads!
Vladimir Putin that sly fox
Chosen and raised up for this moment of time in your world!
Putin and the Button Vision 10-8-24 @ 11:34 AM Partial Entry
While praying this vision came. I saw a hand, a man's hand hitting a button. Pressing a button, a red button that to me is screaming, "Warning, warning!" I saw the wrist of the man who was fair skinned. I see the white sleeve of his shirt and I could tell he's wearing a suit. The color of the man's suit is either dark gray or black. Then I saw the vision go up the arm and the man's shoulder until I saw his face. It's Vladimir Putin.
Then I heard out loud in an audible voice. “He will use the nuclear weapons device on Ukraine. He's now been released to do that. It is time, it is time, daughter it is time. There's no going back. There's no going back. I come for what is Mine. Those who are ready, those who are ready and waiting for me. I come daughter, I come.”
Putin will fire 10-8-24 a@ 3:33 PM Partial Entry
Putin will fire. He will use the weapons of the nuclei. The weapons empowered by the nuclear power upon Ukraine, the people of Ukraine. Upon Ukraine as I have shown you daughter. As I have revealed to you. As I have spoken to you, and it will be the failsafe that's removed.
Putin paints himself as a one being backed into the corner. As the bear is continually poked by the US government. No daughter, each is just playing the role. Their given role from the Illuminati and the fallen ones to further divide Babylon, The divided states of Babylon of no longer America to Me.
The news of the world paints a woeful picture that Putin's armies are depleted. Daughter, what he has used has simply been expendable. Because many, and I say many of his superior weapons granted to him from the fallen angels and the nephilim are in reserve for your once great nation. As I have said repeatedly hidden under the grounds. Hidden under the waters. Hidden and held and protected by the marine kingdom, by the fallen ones the kingdom of darkness…..
……The vision you saw is Putin firing. Putin will fire, Putin will fire, Putin will fire! He will press the button. He will give the command and the nuclear safeguard will be removed. Then it's a green light all the way for all other nations. As I have declared, as I have shown you daughter. It's been My command that's kept anything from going off.
I send My Son to fulfill this command. Which He has already done in the Heavens. Now He declares it upon your earth, in your earth, inside this firmament. His command, His roar has echoed because great is the sins of this world. Great is their idolatry. Great is the sins of what they've done to My creation. Great is the judgment upon this world.
The Hour, The Time...It's Here! 10-19-24@2:01 PM Partial Entry
The hour has arrived, children the hour has arrived. You know what to look for. You know what is your signal even before the lights. The mushroom type clouds going up around your world....Ukraine...US which is Babylon to Me.
It's Time for Putin to Fire 10-20-24 @ 5:43 PM Partial Entry
The drums of war beat faster and faster daughter. The sound of war has been heard throughout the land. Putin fires again at the Ukrainian people but this time he uses the devices, the weapons sustained by the nuclear power. It is time, daughter. Not a drill or a war commencement of games, of strategies.
He has grown wary of playing cat and mouse with Zelensky of Ukraine when they both know he has been called to win this war by those powers in control of your world's operations... the fallen angels, the upper elite of the council of 13, hidden secret society, and their front, the illuminati…..
…..He is preparing to fire daughter. His aim will be true and then all those defending him...Putin the bear swayed by his charm and seducing spirit shall know. Yes, he will push the button that sets off the nuclear powered weapon device that shall send shock waves throughout your world.
Nuclear Weapons Will Be Used 11-19-24 @ 7:58 AM With Confirmation 12-18-24
Please pray about this in Jesus Christ's name and try, test and discern it according to the Word of God. Let all things be done to glorify Father God through Jesus Christ His Son.
Putin of the bear rages and bellows in outrage that his warnings have been defied by the world. He will fire at Ukraine with weapons sustaining…..
Sustain definition: to support.
***Putin will fire at Ukraine with weapons sustaining (Able to support) and containing nuclear power within.
We have 2 weapons being discussed here. One that can support nuclear power and the other that will contain it. The missile supporting the nuclear capabilities is the Oreshnik that was first launched on 11-21-24. This word was shared on 11-19-24.***
*****Oresnik missile can sustain and has nuclear capabilities though not used on the attack by Russia on 11-21-24. Insert from Newsweek article from link below.*****
……..and containing nuclear power within. (Putin’s use of a nuclear weapon against Ukraine hasn’t come yet as of today 12-18-24 at the time I am compiling this information with sweet Holy Spirit’s help in Jesus Christ’s Name.)
And then daughter he will also fire a barrage of weapons upon Babylon when all eyes have focused on the king of the east, of China as well as your wicked nation of Babylon daughter. The world calls Putin cruel and evil and what is done to the war victims of Ukraine. Yes, he is cruel. So is Zelensky of the Ukraine. It's just that aiding nations help keep this news of Ukraine from surfacing as much. But daughter the cruelty of what your nation's elite and military does in the shadows of darkness even to its own people far surpasses the cruelty of Zelensky or Putin of the bear. And for this cruelty Babylon shall be repaid. Russia the bear shall be fortified as time passes before the move comes as they cast their eyes upon Jerusalem, upon Israel My beloved land as it is written. Gog of Magog we'll attack Israel with others loyal to him. Who support can already be seen in the nations' alliances, the coalition formed against your once great nation now called Babylon to Me. Babylon of old, yet also Babylon of new.
Putin shall soon fire his nuclear powered attack against Ukraine. When Zelensky gives the order for the long range missiles to strike the heart of Russia of old and not what's called it's heart of today Putin will fire. He will fire without hesitation. He is already preparing the attack response now by selecting his key target. Did I not say this would come? Do you really think Putin shall resist much longer? He is still enraged that a small piece of Russian territory has actually been captured by enemy hands. Something that hasn't happened since the last major war that hit your whole world. All these things go hand in hand intertwining and interlocking each event with one another to fulfill what I have commended for these end time days. Daughter is that time for these things to occur. Putin will fire first on Ukraine but he is not the only one who uses these types of weapons. Other nations shall follow including your own but your nation, daughter shall be the first to use them on their own people in the form of the suitcase nukes. See the cruelty of Babylon's rulers!
It's time to repent without delay. I called out to those straddling the fence trying to serve the world while professing to love Me. Calling me Jesus Christ your Savior. Repent while there's still time. Repent while My Spirit still convicts you and speaks to your heart, your mind to do so and to mend your ways. Repeat before I shut the door of grace upon you, those of you of Mine who refuse to surrender fully to Me. Who loves Me with mouth and deeds but your heart is still encased with the hardness of sin. This door is shut at different times for each person.
Repent O' world, I say to those My spirit is drawing to Me. He's drawing you to a place of repentance. Come to Me now, ask Me to forgive your sins and I will wash them clean away. I will give you new life. Many have not long before they are removed from this world. Whether by death which will be for many or whether by My return. Prepare your hearts for I'm on My way. It won't be long O' beloved children of Mine, it won't be long. There must be darkness for the light to be seen. I am the light of your world and I'm coming for those who are Mine. Be prepared to go because I'm on My way. All is set, all is ready. All is commanded, all is about to commence. Hold on little children I come, I come for what's Mine. For those Father has given Me and those who have chosen Me and are ready for My return. Do not be dismayed by all these things. They are to let you know it's the allotted time of My return.
Luke 21:28 Hebrews 10:29 30 Matthew 6: 19-24; 33-34; 15:8; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Ezekiel 36:26; Titus 3:5; John 8:12; 12:32; 16:8-9; 13; Matthew 11:28-30; Ezekiel chapters 38; 39



The Guillotines Are Ready Dream 8-28-24 to 8-29-24 With Confirmations
I dreamed again Jesus Christ my love and after praying and seeking You for Your confirmation You gave me Revelation 20:4. Sweet Holy Spirit help me to write this out and bring it to my memory as John 14:26 says You will do. Don't let me write one single word or share one word that's not from You Jesus Christ I pray and ask in Your great Name. (The first half was journaled on 8-28-24 and the 2nd half (scene change with antichrist) was journaled on 8-29-24)
It began with me driving down the highway, the interstate and I was talking to my sweet lovely Jesus Christ as I so often do. Suddenly a semi-transfer truck passed me. My eyes are immediately drawn to it. "Hmm," I said, "why does the whole trailer part appear to be covered with a black tarp so that nothing could be seen of it?" But it looks more like a stronger, more durable material than that of a regular black tarp. The trailer covering was made of one piece. It looks like about every 10 to 12 inches the edges were held down or tied down somehow down the length of the whole 50 ft trailer.
"Jesus Christ that truck looks like it's deliberately covered so that no one knows what it's transporting." I heard these words suddenly inside the vehicle with me. "Military, government, computers." "What do these words mean my lovely Jesus Christ?" While still driving I glance back toward the truck still slightly ahead of me on my right. I heard, "Take a good look daughter."
Trusting fully in my Lord Jesus Christ and His Sweet Holy Spirit to help me drive I focus my eyes fully on the truck's covered trailer. Suddenly I could see through the covering and the trailer's metal walls. It was as if someone had turned a light on inside. I saw machinery, computers, and "Oh Jesus Christ! There are guillotines inside here, lots and lots of them. "Yes daughter there is," He replied. "The guillotines are ready for those of Mine left behind. Many of them for the whole world are stationed and hidden inside your nation. Compliments of Barack Hussein Obama, antichrist's forerunner, right hand man, and false prophet." "Obama!" I exclaimed. "Why? When? How?"
Suddenly the vision of the guillotines faded and I saw the black covering of the tarp over the trailer side once again. As I watched the truck begin to speed away out of view I heard my lovely Jesus Christ speak again. "As president of the United States one can do many hidden evil things and would go mostly not uncovered without My intervention. Such as the case with your former presidents of Bill Clinton, Bush jr., and Bush sr. Then the list goes on but nothing is hidden from Me. All is done in preparation to bring in a unified new world daughter and that time is here."
"Lord, what exactly did Obama do?" I asked my lovely Jesus Christ. "He began the physical implementation of plans for so long had been hidden to most of your world. Executive orders and laws were passed. Actions made. Some legally, most were not." Jesus Christ replied to me. "Like what?" I asked as I carefully made my way through the busy interstate. "I will show you," I heard Him reply. Then the scene changed.
I found myself suddenly inside a mostly dark room with the only traces of light coming from very high up small rectangular windows near the top of the ceiling. It would appear I'm in some type of warehouse or storage facility. Whichever it is, it's a vast area. As my eyes adjust and become accustomed to the dimness in the room I begin to notice rows of identical items all covered by matching tarps. Not one of them is different, I see them everywhere.
"What are they?" I asked out loud. I heard my lovely Jesus Christ reply from above. "Some of Barack Obama's physical implementations." "What kind of physical implementations of his plans are these covered things? I asked my lovely Jesus Christ who responded to me immediately by saying. "Daughter look and see." "Okay," I replied hesitantly then I walked from where I had been standing in an aisle between the rows of covered objects. It appeared that the tarps were not tied down. I reached out, I lifted up the tarp. "Oh no," I gasped.
There before me was a shiny new guillotine. I dropped the tarp then ran to another. Then another of the covered objects, peeking under each tarp only to see the same thing. My shoulders slumped as sadness filled my heart because I know these are meant to be used on those left behind who are not ready. Or who will accept Jesus Christ into their hearts during the tribulation of seven years to come and it's very near this time already.
"Daughter," I heard my lovely Jesus Christ call out my name. Then I felt His presence in the room with me accompanied with His peace. "It's okay my daughter. These things must be and the guillotine is actually a more merciful way to die than by the many other ways antichrist shall implement when he comes to full power. Antichrist has a fondness for the guillotine so I have used this to the advantage of My children." "Thank you Jesus Christ my love," I said quickly.
As I looked around I began to get what I call righteously angry. "How many Jesus Christ, just how many has he prepared in advance to murder Your children?" "There are thousands daughter. More than anyone but antichrist's key personnel know about. Daughter, this model is not the only kind. There are the ones ordered by your line of US presidents but it was Obama that began making it a reality," He finished. "What do you mean this is not the only model? How many others are there and why would you need a different kind? Where are these stored at anyways?" I asked quickly.
"The Obama administration was able through his time in office to have this model hidden all throughout your nation. Many are hidden away in places deemed as places of safety, of camps or nearby. But these are stored there for the whole world. Do not forget daughter of Mine underneath the Earth's soil is a vast underground network of tunnels, facilities, and other things so transporting them secretly will not be an issue," Jesus Christ said to me solemnly. "They're evil, evil to the core," I replied quickly.
He responded gently as if a whisper, "Not all daughter, but most. Some can still be saved and freed from sin's bondage if they will repent and accept Me into their hearts as Lord and Savior." "Oh," I said, pausing for a moment before I replied, "forgive Me Jesus Christ my love, forgive me." "You are forgiven My daughter." Although I couldn't see Him I felt His arm to pure love surround me. "I love you Jesus Christ," I said out loud. "I love you too, daughter of Mine," I heard Him reply back.
Then after a brief moment as I looked around the dimly lit room of covered guillotines I heard my Lord Jesus Christ speak to me again. He said, "I will now show you the other model. The one antichrist himself has chosen for the end time days of his reign that's now updated to your time and age of living. I felt like something picked me up and I began heading toward the ceiling when the scene changed.
Next Scene:
I found myself inside a well-lit spacious room. The walls are white, there are computer terminals, data banks, and other type equipment. My eyes are immediately drawn to the middle of the room where sits another guillotine. Its sharp wicked blade is shiny and looks new. What took me by surprise the most I think is this one is red in color while the others were mostly black that I saw earlier.
"Daughter," I heard my lovely Jesus Christ whisper to me. "You need to move." "What!" I exclaimed. "You are about to have company and although you will go unnoticed and unseen you will want to position yourself so you can see and understand all that's about to transpire." He said to me softly. "Where?" I asked quickly. Jesus Christ responded softly but quickly. "Move to your right and place yourself between the robotic machine that is being prepared to be powered up and the door near it. It is a supply closet and it will not be needed for access while you are here."
I quickly moved and positioned myself where my lovely Jesus Christ had instructed me while praying and asking Him in His great Name to give me understanding, wisdom, and divine revelation on all I see and hear. Just as I said, "Amen," I heard what sounded like voices and I realized there was another room adjoining with an open doorway dividing the two rooms. Even though I realize I'm not to be seen I still instinctively stiffened and froze my movements.
I see that several people have entered into the laboratory room with the red guillotine sitting displayed as this room centerpiece. I heard a familiar voice and I realized Elon Musk is among the people and is speaking. "This is no longer just the prototype but the actual finished product," Elon said. I could tell he was pleased by the sound of his voice just as they came closer in the large room so I could get a better view of who had entered. There are several people in the room.
The front two people were a woman with long red hair that is hanging straight to below her shoulders and she has bangs that curl under toward her forehead. She towers above the others. It is the nephilim Sarina who I've seen so many times and dreams and visions aiding the man of sin, antichrist. Beside her is another face of a scientist or specialist of some kind that I too have seen before. He has gray hair, beard, and mustache with glasses, gold rimmed glasses. These two immediately walk over to the guillotine.
I then noticed that this red one, beside the lever you pull down manually to release a guillotine's blade, is a small metal box. Sarina is doing something to it as I finally see Elon Musk fully but he's not alone. Coming in behind him is Barack Obama and a walking robot. Shock filled my mind as I thought, "Oh no this can't be good!" As I started looking to see if antichrist was with them. After all this is Barack Obama his right hand man and false prophet with Elon Musk being his left hand. Then both the other two have shown up for the more important things to the enemy. Regardless, they still can't be good.
The gray haired man has went over to a console and a 3D like computer appears. Sabrina calls out, "I'm ready." Obama rubs his hands together in what looks like anticipation of what is coming. Elon is grinning from ear to ear as we say in the southern US. Sarina said out loud. "Optimus 329846 prepare yourself." The white and black robot walked over to stand beside the guillotine. Barack Obama says, "Now wait a minute we came to see a real trial run. Whose head are we going to cut off," as he laughed but was serious too. The gray haired man with the beard still facing his 3D type computer spoke briefly. "I've taken care of that Mr. Obama, you won't be disappointed."
Then I heard more noises coming from the other room. There in the dividing doorway walks four armed soldiers in solid black who are leading two people in handcuffs. Two of the four guards have their strange looking black guns drawn. And the other two had each of the handcuffed people by one of their arms directing them to keep walking. It's a man and a woman. The man is tall, dark short cut hair, white skinned, and clean shaven. He has bruises on his face and hands. He's wearing a long sleeve, wedge blue button-up shirt with very small vertical lines barely noticeable of both red and yellow with dark blue slacks. The woman is dark skinned, her hair has been dyed to a red copper-like color and she's attractive. She too has bruises on her face, a busted lip, and her white shirt is ripped and has blood on it that I felt came from when she had been struck in her mouth. These two have not been treated very well.
I heard Obama say out loud in a joyful voice. "Oswell, glad you can join us." Elon snickered as the nephilim Sarina looked briefly up and grinned. I heard the gray-haired man say. “All systems are ready to proceed. I have the chosen one online. I'm going to now switch over to 3D viewing so we can all be graced by his presence." They all bowed their heads as if in a moment of reverence then Obama spoke up. "Bring him online for us to see him." There appeared in the air a 3D like screen and displayed on it was a dark-haired man with his head down that looked to be in a luxurious airplane. His head comes up quickly and he smiles at the people in the room. It's antichrist. I noticed the woman and man handcuffed were trembling. Sarina spoke quickly and efficiently to antichrist. “My lord chosen one we are ready to proceed. Optimus 329846 is ready and online too.” “Thank you,” he said briefly to her as Elon spoke up.
"This is the last two tests to run my lord to check the distance of the neurolink of the AI with Optimus 329846 then we will be checking the range of your neurolink connection to the Collective Hive to ensure you can activate the AI to perform your kill commands for the guillotines unhindered. We've tested them underground but now it's necessary to test them from the air. Since you have already started your journey by plane as you have called us to do, we shall run these tests so you can have the results to present to the president. As you discuss further the AI progress of what he still needs to know about the Collective Hive for his people." "Wonderful," antichrist declared then said, "let's get started to ensure I have all the information ready and available when I arrive in a few hours.
*****Antichrist’s plane trip same as French President Emmanuelle Macron’s trip links. I dreamed on 8-29-24 that night antichrist on a plane trip.*****
****Antichrist to discuss AI and collective hive in the dream to the president. Macron met with the Serbian President.****
Obama grinned, his white teeth showing clearly and asked as he looked at the prisoners. "Who will be first to go down in this historical moment of death by guillotine by robot hand?" The man and woman's eyes grew big with shock as a woman started shaking her head no. The dark-haired man Oswell bowed his head and I saw his lips moving ever so slightly. I wasn't the only one who noticed. Apparently so did Elon Musk who walked over to the man and kicked him behind the knee causing him to crumple to the floor in pain. Elon then spoke up. "I say we let Oswell be first. I don't want to hear any more praying to the filthy Nazarene." "I like the way you think,” I heard antichrist say from the screen while he's casually drinking from a goblet that looks like it could be wine or champagne.
Sarina touched something on the little box with the computer panel and I heard a clicking noise like something had been unlocked. The gray-haired man walks over to the guillotine and lifts up the top part where you place your head. The woman starts to scream and is hit hard in the head with the end of a gun. She falls to the ground in pain but is only whimpering now. "Oh Jesus Christ, oh Jesus Christ please stop this," I whispered in my mind. I watched as they dragged the man to the guillotine forcing him to kneel. He does not resist and simply places his head in the area for his neck. Obama looked at Elon and jokingly said. "Our chosen one prefers them to kneel before him before they lose their head." They both begin laughing. Antichrist I saw had a smirk on his face. Sarina steps aside and commands Optimus 329846 to come to the controls. Which he does fairly quickly for a faceless robot but I'm sure there's some kind of face under the black cover over the face area that's currently showing.
Suddenly Obama yells out, "Wait! Wait! Wait! Sarina you have forgotten the head bucket." She looked startled for a moment as the gray-haired man said, "I'll get it, it's right here, both of them are. Just a simple oversight." He walked over to an area with a table that had closing doors beneath it. He opens both doors, pulls out the two buckets, sets them on the table long enough to re-close the doors. Then walks to the front of the guillotine and places one in front of Oswell's face who is looking face down. He stiffened for a moment then relaxed. "Oh Jesus Christ, please help him. Help them." This time I heard the small still voice of my lovely Jesus Christ say, "Daughter Oswell is one of the first. There are more to come. He is ready to die for Me."
I heard Sarina say, "Optimus 329846 are you on standby?" The robot answered in an almost perfect human voice, "Affirmative." All eyes were on the guillotine except mine. I was drawn to watch the man of sin's face. He closed his eyes for a moment as if concentrating. Suddenly Optimus 329846 said, "Command received and confirmed," and he reached and touched the computer screen on the metal box. The blade came down, the woman screams, and I shut my eyes tightly closed.
Cheers went up in the room and I felt sick and disgusted. I heard my lovely Jesus Christ say, "Steady My daughter. Someone has to warn My people what's coming. I give you My strength," and immediately I felt it rushing through my body. "Success," the gray-haired man yelled out, "and the distance is greater than what we estimated." Obama clapped his hand on Elon's arm and said, "Your ability to understand the ancient technology of the dark lords never ceases to amaze me."
Antichrist spoke, interrupting the jovial conversation. "Sarina, let's get to the next one. I want to look over all the information before I arrive at my destination." "Yes my lord," she replied quickly. Obama pointed to the black clad soldiers and said in the voice of authority. "Remove the body. Take it to the incinerator." Two of the guards immediately came forward and removed the headless body. The gray-haired man asked antichrist before the guards left, "Do you want the blood drained from the body for ritual purposes? It's pure! He's one of the Nazarene's children."
Antichrist smiled a wicked grin and nodded his head yes. The gray haired man called out to the departing guards. "Take him to the draining facility first then to the incinerators. He's a pureblood." "Affirmative," one of them replied as they moved fully out of sight. Sarina nodded to the other guards and they grabbed the woman who was still on the floor. She tried to fight them but they began beating her again with their weapons. "Hold on there," Obama yelled out, "we need a live person not a dead corpse for this test." The soldier men in black immediately stopped. The woman was severely beaten but still breathing. Antichrist spoke up, "Proceed," as he looked at his wristwatch as if he was becoming impatient. The soldier guards grabbed the woman and dragged her to the guillotine with very little resistance now. They locked the neck piece in place. Sabrina said quickly, "Optimus 329-846 stand down and return to Elon your maker." The robot immediately complied.
Sarina touched a little computer panel on the little box connected to the red guillotine. I hear the woman is crying now. "All systems activated and online my lord the chosen one," she said as she looked at antichrist on the 3D screen. Then she moved away to stand by the gray-haired man. She said to him softly, "This will let us know just how much control he has over the AI as well as their combined reach and power." I watched antichrist with fascinated disgust because I was seeing how the Holy Bible was being fulfilled before my eyes but this evil man disgusted me greatly. He places no value on human life. Antichrist closed his eyes and began smiling. I heard him say, "Now you die by my command with me thousands of kilometers away."
Suddenly I heard the release of the blade and another shout of victory from the evil people in the room. "Jesus Christ please get me out of here now. I've seen enough!" "Yes you have My daughter but you must remain a little longer to hear the rest of the needed information," He replied softly. "Okay," I whispered in my mind as a tear slid down my face.
"The reports are coming in now," the gray-haired man said to antichrist. "Good, send them my way. Were there any fluctuations in the signal or wavelengths?" Antichrist asked. "None, none whatsoever," the gray-haired man replied. "I will be transferring the information now." "Good," antichrist said, then continued. "The guillotines are ready. Start shipment of this model now to our other locations with the AI adapted guillotines already in storage. Here are the locations. Guam, Sri Lanka, Germany, Paris, France, New Zealand, Africa, Turkey, South America, China, Armenia, Greenland, London UK, Scotland, under the Kremlin in Russia, in Rome, Italy, and our facilities in Antarctica. You know who to contact already."
Obama spoke up, 'I will alert each to expect the new shipments in addition to what they already have. These are in addition to the simpler models I gathered and stored all over the US during my presidency. The guillotines are ready and they shall be in place before the red eyes are celebrated and you're elected to your final step before becoming our king and world leader." "Well done," antichrist said with a charming smile then continued. "I have the files, keep me updated if anything shows any kind of variances." "Yes my lord chosen one," Sarina said. Then they all bowed their heads as he disconnected from the call and the screen went blank. Suddenly I found myself back in my room sitting up in bed. I heard Jesus Christ my love say softly.
“It is not always easy My daughter to see these things to give warning but I give you My peace in all things. What you have seen must be. They must be daughter, for it is written of how many of Mine are to be beheaded. Prayers from My children can reduce the number of guillotines but they are ready. The guillotines are ready. But daughter even in this if the numbers are reduced of them this will give My children a little longer time to live while they wait to be executed. During this time they will share My gospel to others in prison. Because the antichrist will not only murder My children but all who oppose him, suspect they're an enemy, or simply don't like them.”
“My hand of protection will be lifted from My children during this time so that they will either take a bold stand for My Name Jesus Christ or take antichrist's mark of the beast. His mark of loyalty it shall be called because much of the world still has some negative knowledge of what the mark of the beast is supposed to be. These guillotines are also going to be a swiffer death for many of Mine. Once antichrist starts capturing large numbers he will not be so intent on torturing all but more concentrated on removing My children quickly. This too is My mercy shown toward those who are left behind by their own choice to not be ready when I had returned prior for My bride.
Revelation 13;14:9-13; 20:4; Daniel 7:25; 9:27; 11:31- 39; Luke 8:17 Isaiah 8:10 Psalms 37: 1-2; 71:10-16
Guillotine links and related.
Vision of Xi Jinping 1-21-23@10:04AM (Shared 1-31-24) With Confirmation
I'm seeing, I'm seeing Chinese silk lanterns red with gold Chinese writing. Now they are paper. They're
being lifted into the air. There's fire inside them. They rise to the sky, many of them. The writing is large
gold and not small in size on the lanterns.
I see Xi Jinping. I see confetti falling from the sky. He's in a dark suit, white shirt, medium blue tie. I see
golden dragons. The serpent's body ones with the head similar to the dragon's head drawn in tales of
Knights except it has a long thin mustache. It's a grand celebration.
Xi Jinping I see it's in a black vehicle, an open top vehicle. It's a clear but somber day. I now see him
sitting in a seat of honor looking on at a display of soldiers moving in perfect timing, perfect unison. It is
a massive army of people. Xi Jinping is pleased with his soldiers. It's the Chinese New Year celebration.
Now I'm in a large room filled with grey computers. From where I'm standing in front of some control
panels is a set of very large wide windows. They're tall in height. I see out below what looks like
airplanes, more like fast jets.
There Are people bustling about. I see pilots in pilot gear…. uniforms walking with helmets in hand toward designated jets. Some jets I see have steps…. ladders being moved away. These already have pilots inside them. I see jets being fueled up. There are many of them in this hangar I'm looking out over upon. But I feel it's just one among many.
Now I'm seeing a port yard…. Shipyard, a place of massive ships and boats. There's much activity aboard
them. I see Chinese military uniformed people carrying large bags which I feel are personal items such as
clothes being brought on board, one bag per each soldier. They're not in white like our Navy officers but
green. “When is this happening Jesus? Is it during the New Year Celebration for China or is it 2 separate
events?” No answer came.
I see, I see Xi Jinping has received a call. Whether it is his personal phone or another I do not know. He's
listening, he is smiling, he speaks something in Chinese I can't understand. But immediately I see the jet
hanger and the ship's ports. They're starting the jets, and the boats are pulling out to sea.
“Jesus, Jesus is Taiwan being openly invaded on the Chinese New Year? No longer in the secret of the
“The day, the time has arrived, O' beloved daughter of Mine. I told you smokescreens are being removed,
but also that Taiwan was a sign for you that it is the time of war against your nation. You have warned
people, including those you love. I shall always keep My word and promise to you. That which you have
spoken in My Name shall come to pass for I am a God that will not or cannot lie. It starts in full and not in
part for real My love, for all to see out from under the smokescreen of lies and deception.”
“Thank you, Jesus, thank you.”
Amos 3:7; Mark 4:22; Jeremiah 23:24; Hebrews 4:13; Isaiah 42:8-9; Daniel 2:30; 47
Confirmation: Full Spectrum Survival YouTube Channel, Video titled “China Just Made its Move. This video was removed but I have a downloaded copy that I am sharing.
It says Chinese covert operation called Dongwei officially began on Chinese New Year 2-10-24 to take over Taiwan. Full force by November. Runs from the start to the 58 second mark.
Actual comments from the China Made It's Move YouTube video from Full Spectrum Survival
07 second Time Mark: It’s very concerning for our community. The Chinese President is reported by Western Intelligence to have officially launched what they are calling a covert operation to take over Taiwan. This happened since the Chinese New Year on February 1oth. It has been code named “Dang Wei”. I’m sure I’m saying that wrong, that is should return and they’re saying that it’s going to be in full force by the month of November for 2024. Ends at 37 second Time mark.
***Note: Dang Wei might be spelled wrong due to spelling it by the sound of his words.****


This is a screenshot of the video that was sent to me but the picture is now missing from the above post that was sent by Facebook by Messenger on 2-25-24 @7:49PM

This above video was removed but I had posted a screenshot so all could pray about it. I shared on February 26, 2024. The February 27 show the beginning of posts below it for the next day on Telegram
Vision of Xi Jinping 1-21-23@10:04AM (Shared 1-31-24)With Confirmation PDF
The Coronation Dream 11- 8- 22 & 11- 9- 22
Jesus my love, I laid down to take a nap because I became overwhelmed with tiredness. I dreamed again and I lined it up with your holy word 2 Corinthians 13: 1 whose last part says, “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall a word be established.” I dreamed this twice the night before but not in its entirety. Today I dreamed it again with more details. So sweet Holy Spirit, in Jesus' name according to John 14: 26 and 1 John 2: 27 bring this dream fully to my remembrance or remove it if for some reason it is not from God. This is a dream:
I found myself inside a very large meeting hall, a room, a gathering place for people all richly and finely dressed in their finest attire. It's people of every nationality and of every color. All of them are standing. Some with beautiful, stemmed glasses of alcoholic drinks in their hands. They are here for a celebration of sorts I know in this dream. Excitement was in the room as I observed this grand room filled with so many people, but I couldn't help but notice I felt uncomfortable. Like, as if they knew my presence was here in this dream and they saw me observing them. It would not go well for me if they caught me! I heard pleasantries being exchanged by some, but most are talking excitedly in hushed tones all throughout the room about this soon to see upcoming event.
There are celebrities here. There are powerful men and women of the business world here. I see high-ranking officials of governments and some military personnel as well. I knew all this in this dream. I saw many people. Some I knew and some I did not and upon searching on the Internet through the Holy Spirit’s lead I have identified some who I am to share but didn't know their names. I will only share those names I have been led to.
There is a Kathleen Kennedy who is a producer with her husband I'm assuming whose name is Frank Marshall who is also a movie producer. There are other producers here as well. I saw Harvey Weinstein, Brian Gazer, Peter Jackson, Jerry Buckheimer and Steven Spielberg. Among the celebrities I saw actor Johnny Depp, actor Tom Hanks, actress Julia Roberts, actor George Clooney, actress Drew Barrymore, actor Al Pacino and actress Angelina Jolie to name a few. There is a wide variety and assortment of people here all in their finest clothes. I saw the powerful George Soros. There's King Charles and Camilla, his wife. Lord Jesus there's so many
people here! Isn't that Bill Gates talking to Angela Merkel from Germany that I have seen in other dreams you have given me before sweet Jesus Christ? I see the Pope...Pope Francis. To the right of him huddled in a group is Elon Musk talking to two men I have identified on the Internet as Antonio Guterres of the United Nations and a Jean-Claude Juncker from the European Nations.
I look around the room and I see the Khomeini from Iran and Arabs. President Erdogan from Turkey. I see a group of people huddled together with a bubble over their heads with black block letters that read “The Rothschilds.” They're sipping their expensive liquors and wines while they wait for this grand celebration to begin. As my eyes passed through the crowds, I spot Mike Pence and his wife Karen, in addition to Michelle Obama. But where is Barack Obama? There's Hillary Clinton and Bill huddled in the circle with them talking as if they were best friends. There's a man with a bubble with the name over his head of Robert Mueller. I'm not sure who he is or why he's important. I see another cluster of men and women together with another bubble
over their heads that says in black block letters Supreme Court Justices. I had to look up their pictures on the Internet. The ones I saw are Ketanji Brown Jackson, who is a black lady. A white man named Samuel Alito. Another white man named John Robert and a Spanish or Mexican looking lady named Sonia Soto Major.
Again, I was not familiar with who they are in reality. To the right of this group, I saw a regally dressed woman who has a bubble over her head that says, “Queen Margarethe II.” I recognize the man she is talking to as former Prime Minister of the UK Boris Johnson. Also talking with them is Prince William and his wife Catherine.
Now I am seeing another actor. His name is Tom Cruise and he’s mingling among people including a black man whose bubble says King Mohammed VI. So many, many people here! Lord Jesus, what is going on here?
As I looked further into the crowd, I see another group of people talking amongst themselves with the bubble over their head saying, “Rockefellers.’ The funny thing is in this dream I know some of them have already been officially declared dead but here they are! The Rockefellers are talking to three men that I have identified by Internet as all tycoons George Kaiser who is a white older man with graying hair and clean shaven. A Russian white male whose middle age and also clean-shaven named German Khan and the last man is also another oil tycoon from Russia named Vagit Alekperov.
Upon closer observation of the people in this grand hall, this gathering, I recognized all these people had attached to their clothing a little device which I recognized as a universal transmitter from other dreams and visions. I begin to wonder who's not here for this grand event, because I see men from Saudi Arabia with their Sheikh type head dresses and formal attire and lo and behold there's Janet Jackson too! What is this Jesus my love?” I asked questioningly. Why are all these people here from all walks of life? Even those thought dead and those who we believe are supposed to be enemies of one another. Lord, I even see Donald J. Trump and his wife Melania. Their son Barron Trump and Donald Trump junior. There's also Ivanka, Donald Trump's daughter and her husband in tow. I asked the Lord again, “Jesus my love, what does this mean?” I look around one more time and I see Hunter Biden and Vladimir Putin. “Jesus my love, Jesus what does all this mean? Why are all these people here?” I'm still feeling very uncomfortable and uneasy. Still, I heard no answer from my lovely Jesus.
I heard a noise to my right, and I turned to see double doors. The doors are being opened. Now standing in front of them are two very tall people. They are giants...Nephilim I know in this Dream. The one is the Nephilim Sarina I have seen in at least two other prior dreams not including visions and she was working in their sprawling underground hidden facility beneath the United Nations building where she held a position of high power and authority there. She has her fiery red hair put up in an elaborate coiffed hairdo. She is wearing a slinky, sparkly solid black dress with a split on the front side exposing her muscular shaped leg and black
strappy high heel shoes. The top of the dress had diamond spaghetti type straps. Adorning her neck is a large diamond necklace with matching earrings hanging from her ear lobes.
Accompanying her is a giant of a man that I haven’t seen before. He is taller than Sarina by about a foot with black straight shoulder length hair that flips out slightly at the ends. He is olive in his complexion color. He is dressed in a luxurious black tuxedo with a matching black cummerbund spanning his waist. His shirt is white with little rows of ruffles running up and down the front of his shirt. He has a small black bowtie around the expanse of his thick neck. These giants' clothes had to be custom made I felt because of their larger size.
The crowd upon seeing them with the doors opened hushed immediately. You could have dropped a straight pin on the tile floor, and it would have sounded like a boulder crashing so quiet had the room become.
“I don’t like this,” I whispered to myself. “Jesus, my love, where are you? I don’t think I want to be here any longer.” “Warrior daughter, my little daughter, I have not left you! I am here with you. Watch daughter. Look with eyes of discernment. Listen for you must needs share... what you see here...what parts I tell you.” “O Jesus, I'm so thankful and grateful to hear your sweet voice my love. I will do all you have told me to do in your name and with Holy Spirit, my friend's help.” “Yes, daughter you will.” I heard the dark-haired giant say to the crowd, “It's time for the ceremony. You are to follow us. Each of you has been permitted for your loyalty. It is an honor to see the king crowned!” Low murmurs of agreement and excitement could be heard across the crowded elegant room. I watched as the two Nephilim giants continue to hold open wide the double doors to the adjoining room. The people began eagerly moving into the room quickly, but slow enough as if not to shove one another. After the last person enters, I watched Sarina and the black-haired man enter and close the doors behind them. I hear a clicking sound and know the door is locked from the inside permitting no one else to enter the room.
Immediately afterwards I see armed guards filling the room dressed in black suits. Two stations
themselves in front of the double doors the people just had went into while the others guarded
the other doors. “Odd,” I thought, “I don't see any windows in this room.” “Daughter,” I heard my lovely Jesus say and I realized I needed to follow the people. I passed through the guards and doors with ease, but I was speaking the name of Jesus and pleading his blood over me the whole time.
I entered the room to find it all covered in a red glow. The people are standing and waiting for
something to happen. I looked to the left and I saw a picture on the wall. It's a drawn sun with the
top half in a harvest gold color including its rays and the bottom half is in a bluish teal color.
Even the rays are the same color but the ends of them in one way look like hands. But another way they look like snakeheads. I know this design. It is the logo picture for the COP 27 meeting for supposed climate change for our world. A meeting of rulers and leaders under the guise of
“This can't be good,” I thought. I muttered to myself under my breath, “I knew it was bad when I
saw these people with their giant friends!” Jesus help me I prayed for the hairs on the back of my neck had started to stand up! Danger! Danger! I feel it. I looked around quickly and then I noticed on the platform or stage it could also be called, something is rising from the center of it. It’s another raised platform with stairs on each of it. But that’s not what grabbed my attention the most. Atop of the rising stage with stairs is a gold, gaudy decorated throne with solid red blood cushions padding the back and the seat parts of it. There upon the throne sits a lone figure. A man! He’s dressed in the finest of black elegant, luxurious evening attire except his shirt is blood red in color instead of the most common pristine white. He wears no tie of any sort.
I heard myself gasp out loud! There covering this man’s face is a mask of a very evil looking horned goat with an upside-down pentagram inside an upside-down pyramid on his forehead! The man has both of his arms resting upon the arm rests of the throne as seemed at perfect ease even with the mask upon his face. He says nothing and moves not the least bit. I heard a voice begin speaking to my left, but I couldn’t see anything to identify him except a blood red robe and a matching red beanie type hat upon the back of his head. “Behold your king! Our master of this world. Our new world. Our time is now. His time is now. Murmurs of approval went through the crowd. I think I am going to be sick! I heard another noise but this time it was from my right. I can feel my mouth drop open in surprise. There coming up the steps on the right is a black woman dressed in a very tight stretchy white pantsuit that makes it clear this is no woman. It is a man dressed as one. He has his face heavily painted like a lady’s with long fake eyelashes. He is wearing a dark long woman's wig and is carrying a pillow in his hands. On top of the red silk pillow sits a golden crown with many points whose shape reminds me of half a sun. The man dressed as a woman prances seductively up the steps. He then walks toward the man with the goat's head sitting on the throne. He stops just to the right of the man's left leg. My mouth drops open again. I see his face. It is Barack Obama!
Suddenly the room fills with an almost fearful atmosphere. People begin bowing their heads reverently. I want to throw up as I plead the blood of Jesus over myself once again. I see a shadowy figure appear out of nowhere on the man’s right side where he’s sitting. So, it’s my left side facing the stage. All of a sudden, the shadowy figure turns itself into a dazzling beautiful figure of a man that shines with a light. Yet I know it’s not a true light. It’s dulled somehow. “Jesus...Jesus...that’s satan turning into an angel of light, isn’t it?” I asked in a whisper then continued. “What are they doing here? Is this going on during the cop 27 meetings? Is that who I think it is sitting on the throne with the goat’s head on? Is that Antichrist?” “Yes, it is my daughter of faith. It is him and yes, my love, many things will happen during this gathering of leaders that most people do not realize with many not even caring.”
I see the lighted figure of the man who I believe is satan himself pick up the golden crown with the many points. He turns to the man with the horned goat's head mask still on and speaks in the most seductive voice I have ever heard. “My son, my chosen one. The true savior of this world.” Then he places the crown upon the head
of the man sitting on the throne between the goat’s horns of the mask. I have never been so thankful than at this moment for Jesus' blood covering and protecting me. His voice didn't draw me under his spell as it seemed to do everyone else.
The lighted figure of the man backed up, turned back into a shadowy figure then disappeared. The crowd was mesmerized. I heard the man in the red robe cry out loud. “Behold our king! Let our new world begin!” Cheers went up with much applause. “Jesus, does this mean the tribulation has begun? How is this possible if antichrist is crowned ruler and king of our world in the shadows of the underground and not above in the eyes of all the world? He is given power to rule for seven years according to your holy scripture?”
“Yes, daughter he is. He will rule for seven years but nowhere in my holy word does it say that the tribulation is only for a total of seven years alone. These seven years spoke of in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation concerns the man of sin’s allotted time in the trying and tribulation time set aside for your world as my judgment’s hand falls hard and swift, but it is not the full days in count of the whole tribulation period spoken of in my holy word. Know this daughter, the man of sin is soon to become the leader of your world above ground too. But privately those in power, those of fame and those in leadership have already pledge their souls and allegiance to antichrist this night. Then I awoke.
19:04 time mark
Actual words from The AntiChrist, the Two Witnesses & the Third Temple | Steve Quayle with Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report | 11/17/2022
The AC will come on the scene, the antichrist. The AC was crowned in a secret ceremony where they never showed his face. Even to all the attendees, the devotees, the luciferians because it wasn’t the time to reveal. But they had the ceremony and it really went on. There was a prophecy by a lady prophet…um I forget her name and I don’t mean to diminish, but she actually saw it. Then I reached out to people that I know and I said, “Did that really happen?” And the answer was, “Absolutely it happened.”
https://rumble.com/v1z9317-kill-grid-countdown-a-special-interview-with-steve-quayle-and-mike-adams.html 30:34 time mark on video
Kill Grid Countdown - A special interview with Steve Quayle and Mike Adams (12-5-22)
Actual comment from video.
The only safe place is going to be with Jesus. And I’m talking about people with a personal relationship and not an intellectual head knowledge…but Jesus. But there’s no talk of Him. Yet we’re talking about the antichrist, the world leader..prince Charles now King Charles is talking about the man.
By the way in COP27 in Egypt they coronated the antichrist behind the scene and only the ultimate elite watched it happen.
2 Corinthians 11:14, Daniel 11:21, 36-37, 1 Chronicles 28:9, Proverbs, 15: 3, Job 28:24, Jeremiah
23:24, Jeremiah 16:17, 1 Timothy 4:1, John 3:19-20, Mark 4:22, Acts 2:17, Numbers 12:6, Job
Bullet Points
1. I felt the coronation ceremony of antichrist was held underground and in or near Egypt.
2. I knew going into this dream that most of the people attending had traveled secretly for
this crowning of their king of their new world...antichrist.
3. Jesus had confirmed what I felt that this coronation is during the COP27 meetings held
between the 8th through the 18th of November.
4. This was the actual coronation of antichrist in which those in power, in positions of fame
and the elite of our world will gather and pledge their allegiance and sell fully their souls
to satan and the antichrist giving them their full support.
5. The public coronation of this man of sin is soon to follow upon our world in which now
there will be little or no resistance as most in power or positions of authority will have
pledged allegiance to him in advance.
6. satan himself crowned the man in the goat head mask showing to all this is indeed his
chosen man of sin. This is antichrist. His son s to speak.
7. Barack Obama dressed as a woman; a transgender is symbolic of how far our world has
fallen into sin because man laying with a man and womankind laying with another
woman is an abomination as were told in Leviticus 18:22-23. This lifestyle is further
condemned in Romans 1:26-28, and it is sin!
8. The transgender dressed Barack Obama also is symbolic of the final stages of our world’s
moral decline and corruption and brings judgment upon those nations that justifies it!
9. The horned goat’s head is the foremost symbol of satanism since the founding of the
satanic church in 1966 and it's called Baphomet.
10. The upside-down pentagram on the forehead and between the eyes of the goat’s head is a
symbol known for conjuring strong demons.
11. Every time I pray about the COP27 logo I hear the name Ra! Through research I was led
to find Ra is the ancient deity of the sun worshiped by the Egyptians and was identified
primarily with the noon day sun.
12. The sun god Ra ruled in parts of the created world, the sky, the earth and the underworld.
He was the god of the sun, order, kings and the sky.
13. In some ways Ra is symbolic of the power antichrist shall have as ruler of our world
when he’s fully possessed to rule over our world.
14. The COP27 meetings are being held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt this year again making a
connection with the sun god Ra.
15. If antichrist is crowned officially below the ground but not officially above ground yet,
then when can still expect that it’s no longer safe for we Christians anymore except for
Jesus Christ protecting us. We can expect all persecution against us to intensify greatly.
Antichrist’s hatred is not just for me but for all God’s true little children.
Also, on 1-11-22@ 10:23 pm while praying I had a vision of this coronation ceremony in great
detail of the ceremony itself. Lord willing, I will be sharing it shortly also so please be praying
about it now and for Holy Spirit to reveal the truth of all these things in Jesus’ name to you.
Prayers of the Enemy Dream 1/15/22-1/16/22 With Confirmation Concerning Marburg and Omnicron Viruses
The Zelensky Dream, 1-17-23 to 1-21-23 With Confirmation PDF
1 of 3, It’s time With Confirmation PDF
Video #1 Confirmation Begins 19:01 Mark Link
Video #2 Confirmation Begins 30:50 Mark

The Coronation Dream 11- 8- 22 & 11- 9- 22 PDF With Confirmation
Now is Now Word 12-25-21 @ 7:11PM With Confirmations about Putin invading Ukraine PDF
The Churches Shall Burn 1-18-24 @11:38PM With Confirmation PDF
The Mosquitoes Dream 4-12-22@4:42PM With Confirmation
Zika virus Dengue & Yellow Fever PDF
At the End of August Sorrow Comes Dream6-6-21@9:28AM With Confirmation. Concerning the US pull out of Afghanistan.
Dream of Truth and Evil! 1/10/19 @ 4:08 AM With Confirmation. Personal word to Me about having dreams.
A Vision of a Secret Conversation 3-26-22 @ 10:43AM With Confirmation concerning Putin & Kim Jong Un Updated 10-31-24. Also can be read further down on this page.
Dream of Covid-19 Vaccine 1/24/21@9:01AM With Confirmation
3-24-22@8:22AM Two Evil Brothers Dream with confirmation concerning Iran & Iraq
Elusive Visions and feelings of War 4/11/20@6:32AM With Confirmation Concerning known & unknown plagues
The Chimera Dream 4-29-22 @ 6:34AM With Confirmation Concerning animals deaths
The Animals Shall Turn 12-1-19@3:59am With Confirmation concerning animal attacks, shaking, & weather
Why So Many Robots Dream 8-22-24@7:46 AM & 5:55 PM With Confirmation
The Cloud City Trip Dream 8-12-24@7:58 AM With Confirmation
Rock Giant Dream 2-24-23 @ 5:48 AM (Uploaded 3-7-23) With Confirmation
I awoke to these words being spoken to me from my lovely Jesus and as
I prayed, more words came forth. He has charged me to include the whole
journal entry this time. This is what was spoken to me this morning.
A Word of Change. A Word of Judgment. 12-18-21@3:30AM with confirmations
Change in time
(Matthew 24:22)
Change in Season
(Ecclesiastes 3:1 )
Change in man’s reason.
(Transgender acceptance. Examples:) https://www.amnesty.org/en/what-we-do/discrimination/lgbti-rights/
Changes to the mind
(Way of thinking…Transgender, but also DNA/mRNA changes such as inflammation of the brain and so much more.)
Changes to the laws
(Daniel 7:25 Laws are ever changing but some pertain to Christians)
Changes coming for one and all
Changes in day
Changes in night:
Changes made to the sun’s output of light
(All 3 above. Revelation 8:12-13)
Change, change, change
I command it to be
Change, change, change
Oh, look and see
From peace to war
Revelation 6:3-4; 8; Matthew 24:6)
(Ukraine/Russia conflict begins them all with Kazakhstan as the trigger which ran for 9 days from January 2, 2022 until January 11 2022; The Israel–Hamas war began on 7 October 2023 when Hamas launched coordinated armed incursions on Israel from the Gaza Strip.)
1/7/22 @ 10:01 AM The U.S., Russia, Kazakhstan on the Eve of it All Dream: “I now find myself inside of a dark building with only a dimly lit light to see by. It appears that I am observing a meeting of military of different ranks including officers with several nationalities including mine of America. They are all men, and they are standing around a table instead of sitting. I feel it is a secret meeting, and apparently it has already started. There upon the table are maps laid spread out upon its rough surface. I manage to take a close look at the maps and I see two that are on top of the others that have names on each. One reads Kazakhstan and the other the Ukraine, and both have indication markers written on them. I see a dark-headed, clean cut older military officer. Somehow, I know that he's a major in our military, the U.S. and he's standing directly in front of the maps. Now he is speaking and pointing with his right pointer finger to locations on the Kazakhstan map. I hear him say, “Our troops encountered the Russians here, here and also at the airport.”
“.........This action today is the spark that begins war. Daughter it is indeed these actions of today, brought on by Putin’s move on the Ukraine, that has started this foretold war. When both Russia and your once great nation of America fought these battles, this war in Kazakhstan on this day, on the eve of it all, it started. Even though you will not hear much evidence of your nation, or your allies, being here on most of your news outlets.”“Your nation and its allies entered this country as a covert mission, but it has failed! Putin has instead strengthened his borders through aiding the Kazakhstan's government and its people, and now the rest shall follow!” “I did not realize this Jesus,” I say somewhat surprised! I only learned about Kazakhstan a few days ago when a friend sent me a text on Facebook asking me what I thought of the situation and I had responded, “I hadn’t watched any news, and that we had not discussed it, as yet.” “But during this same time, my friend Lora and her son were visiting, so her son pulled up the information that the country was rioting over something about gas prices, I think. This is when I realized it borders Russia.” “I know my daughter. I was there.”
2/11/22@10:29AM Antichrist and the Boardroom Dream:Antichrist smiled wickedly and then replied, “The coalition is firm and secure. The deal is set! They are to take down our strongest adversaries so there will be little resistance when I come to full power. What you must realize is war has already started in Kazakhstan as I have instructed. The Russians, Americans, Nato and even the EU (European Unions) have already been engaged in open warfare, but it’s hidden from the eyes of the people.”
The Vladimir Putin Dream 1-18-23 @ 4:19 a.m. & 6:14 a.m: “Jesus, many people today say he's not really evil. They say for example if war happens between our nations, it is because we have provoked him. We are “poking the bear” but Lord Jesus, my love, I remember a dream you gave me about Kazakhstan in which we, the U.S and other countries, came into the country secretly to fight. Russia had also sent troops to aid Kazakhstan. What I'm trying to say is, You revealed to me that our nation of America and others, would do all they could to keep Ukraine from being taken over by Russia. Because whoever controls Ukraine would have, if I'm remembering correctly a large amount of wealth. Including gold enough to run at least two wars; access to a majority of uranium; but also there's information inside the underground secret vault to topple governments.
So my understanding is we already have our troops fighting here as we did in Kazakhstan and you revealed this to me months ago, Jesus. Putin knew we would defend in secret the Ukraine. He was counting on it.You have told me he would plot and scheme to have the eye of the world behold him as ‘Defender’ and not ‘Aggressive Attacker.’ So that more countries would align with him when he makes his real pre-planned attack, which will be against America. Is this what's still going on, my love?”“You have learned well, My little warrior daughter, and yes, you must never forget all these attacks and wars have been laid out and pre-planned by the fallen ones and your elite hidden society, who have been secretly ruling your world for hundreds of your years and longer.
From life to death
Change for all
There’ll be no rest
Change in your money
From great to least
(This is evident in many ways. By its decline and also other ways to pay).
(A Word of Separation & Dividing 6/19/22@2:22am see below in the FOR YOUR PRIDE: A broken divided land.)
I'm Severing the Head Off Babylon 7-22-24@2:11 PM
But this is a time I begin severing the head off babylon. I will sever the silver cord of life to this nation. This ungodly, filthy, heathenistic, pagan worshiping, idolatrous nation. My sword has already begun falling daughter and I'm going for the jugular vein first thing. The jugular vein daughter, the heart of the people, the money first.
Where's the Money Dream 5-17-24@9:34AM;
Change in your government
For all eyes to see
(The Whole world inside our firmament)
(Romans 13:1-5; Psalms 75:5-7; Daniel 2:20-21; 4:17; Jeremiah 27:5; Proverbs 21:1)
Change has already started my daughter and the rest of these changes are swiftly coming. I say swiftly they come!
Changes in food supplies....
There will be none coming forth
For soon no food will be found
(In the process now. Revelation 6:5-8)
Changes in your economy
It will be no more....
It collapses now!
(It has begun already in the US.)
Comment “The USD stands at about 58% of the world's reserve currencies, down from more than 70% at the beginning of the century, but still far higher than competitor currencies.” from the link below.
Change made to the bodies
From within
(Transgender, neurolinks, mrna; DNA changes and such like. See above information about changes to the mind plus information below.)
For all who have trusted
In the lies of men
Will you trust man or will you trust me to meet all your needs in these times of sorrows? What does it profit a man, a woman, or even a child if they gain the whole world and put their trust in its wealth and its riches, but in the end because they failed to repent, they lose their soul to eternal damnation?
What part of trust me for all things do you not understand? Yet when man yells, “Trust the science,” you willingly allow yourselves to be injected with poisons for fear of losing this world’s treasures? There is still hope! Come to me in repentance for I say there is a but a short moment in time before I return! Father says it’s soon...so very soon now!!!
To those of “MY” children who I have spoken IN ADVANCE to not take the so-called vaccine I say this. TO HIM WHO KNOWETH TO DO GOOD AND DOETH IT NOT, TO HIM, TO HER IT IS SIN! REPENTING TIME IS NOW!!!!
Change is coming Daughter and it won’t be stopped! Yet, still many of my own children will be sleeping in their beds of complacencies while wearing their rose-colored glasses when change comes that sends destruction all around!
Change, change, change
Change that has come
Change still yet to be
Change on your world
For all to see
Change in the sky
(A few examples)
(Note: Concerning the above TikTok Video: The Smoky Mountains are one of the Mountains in the Appalachians Mountains. Chattanooga is not directly in the Smoky Mountains itself.)
Change in the sea
Change in the oceans
(Revelation 16:12 and other things)
Note: I am a firm believer in God’s judgment over climate change being the cause in everything. Just saying.
https://www.facebook.com/hnaftali/videos/284008344749323/ (Facebook video says from 2024)
Change there must be
My Father demands change brought forth through my hands because it’s only through me, Jesus that redemption and salvation can be had!
Change to the family
Change in your friends
For division is found
For those who don’t know me
(A few examples)
Change from the north
Change from the south
Change from the east and west
Who can stop me?
(A few examples)
Yet, I say more changes will still be found. For those who truly love me these changes shall be:
Change in boldness
For all the world to see
Change in their strength
Because now they’ll trust fully in me!
Change in their hearts
With love for not only me
Change for all men
As I have ordained it to be
A true heart of forgiveness
My children shall have in times like these
For their life will now revolve around me
As it should be.
All these changes are coming to my children and should my coming be delayed a moment longer; these changes shall come to be in thee.
(Making themselves Bride ready…awake…and martyrs and such like)
If when I come you find yourselves still here and you fully repent, these changes shall come to you as well.
My Daughter, my daughter change is here
It’s here! It’s here! It’s here!
Some are immediate
While some are yet to be
So, remember Daughter to stay close to me!
Your additional changes that are to be are these:
FOR YOUR PRIDE: A broken divided land
(Coming physically but already beginning civilly)
Things coming.......Yet 3-23-23@7:25 AM
“Now I say to you, oh harlot bride of Mine for your idolatry and unfaithfulness, I now declare you are no longer either called the United States. A divided people you will become as brother rises against brother, neighbor against neighbor and state against state. Did I not say these things would be through prophets and servants of Mine by word, by vision, by dreams?”
Oh Babylon, My whoring bride whose people once embraced Me in their hearts as their Lord, their Savior and God, but has forsaken Me for the gods of other nations. From this point forward in time you are no longer to be known as the United States, but you shall be known as “the divided states.” I split you oh Babylon, I split you now. A dividing, a separating a quaking, a shaking a time turmoil, a time of distress. What will you do now O’ harlot Babylon? I would have taken you back as a loving husband to his bride. I love you.
A Word of Separation & Dividing 6/19/22@2:22 AM
Your time has come O’ great nation of Babylon, of America... I am the God who sets up and sets down! I am He that speaks to the oceans telling them to hold into their places. A dividing asunder is commanded! A separation has come! A dividing has come! Your time has come O’ wicked nation of America! Now you receive your just rewards for your actions, your deeds! Now you are divided asunder! Now you fall from the inside out, as well as the outside in! A division, a separation time also for your nation. Separation from your wealth. Separation from your power. A separation from your honor, for pride has lifted you up! A time of dividing for its people. A time a dividing for your states! A time of great divide for your wicked once great nation, for dividing mine! “Separation,” I say!“Dividing,” I say. I separate the goats from my little sheep. I divide the kingdoms of your earth and I give to whom I choose. Separation has come daughter. Division, a dividing of many of situations, occurrences of both people and land.
I Send Destruction 4-5-23@ 5:14 PM
O’ Babylon, no longer I say shall you ‘be the United States.’ Now the time has come to be called the divided states, physically, civilly and politically. You are hereby divided, no longer united, no longer only spoken in My heaven, but now evident in your physical world, your earth I created.
……I divide you now in every way. Civil war, political war, families divided and now, physical dividing of your land. The 7 thunders have sounded, as I have sent warning of beforehand. Now true judgment's hand hits hard and unrelenting.
Heaven's Proclamation of the Time Era of the Beast 7-2-23 @10:18 AM
Hear ye, hear ye O’ Babylon, who sits as queen of the world, the Earth. Your last period of grace given to you for repentance has almost expired. Before you fall, you shall see disaster from within, and disaster from without. You shall be divided many ways for your evilness of heart…………
A Word From Heaven’s Courts4/28/22 at 5:15 am
“She shall be divided from the inside! Divided on the outside! A dividing of states from one another! A dividing of the land for betraying your sister Isræl by trying to divide her cities and land!”
I'm Severing the Head Off Babylon 7-22-24@2:11 PM
Daughter Babylon, your nation which you still call America is no more. It has been written out of existence. Now it's come to term. I shall divide her inside and out as I have spoken. I shall divide her land, I shall divide her people. The people….brothers and sisters shall rise up against one another. States upon States shall rise up against one another. They will turn upon the government.
When I send My great earthquake during the time of the Great Day of My Son the Risen Lamb, His Day of Wrath, My Great Day I will divide you America..... Babylon. I will divide her physically. I will overflow your banks with tidal waves and tsunamis. But I shall let you remain a float long enough for those that will come to Me, through My Son Jesus Christ to come. And those that were left behind by their own failure to let go of the world and failed to repent who
depended on other people to get them to Heaven. That's not how it works...... It's the 2nd Exodus daughter.
2-4-22 @ 3:39AM through 3/22/22 A Nation, A World That Forgets God End Results Dream
I am again floating over a map of what is supposed to be America, the United States. The land form is divided in half, but it could have been before but the white-like cloud coverage may have prevented me from seeing it clearly...but I don’t know definitely. Her outline shape is not as before. As I am looking at the map, I began speeding downward, then stopping at different locations. I see utter and complete desolation. There is no form of life at all. The land is reminding me a refuge heap and I began crying. Crying, sobbing and weeping all at the same time! “No, no Jesus, please no,” I wailed out loud. “Daughter of Faith your nation’s people were warned. Your future pre-told in my holy scriptures in various places like as written in Revelation chapters 17&18 and mentioned in Jeremiah chapter 51. Your nation of America is Babylon written about in my scriptures and no matter how many people try to declare it otherwise, my holy word shall stand firm and true, because I am truth and I am the word in the flesh form.”
FOR YOUR STUBBORNNESS AND FAILURE TO REPENT: War upon your once great land whose greatness was only found through me your holy God! (Physical war is coming. A few examples of other ways)
A Word From Heaven’s Courts 4-28-22 @5:15 AM
In one hour of your time, before a full 60 minutes are come to pass at the allotted time, America, the Great Whore shall fall. It shall be this blow that she'll strip her bare before the vultures that shall dine upon herflesh. You shall be utterly destroyed as a power upon power, but for the sake of the people found faithful who have accepted Jesus, the Risen Lamb into their hearts as Savior. the nation shall remain, but not as she once was.” (We know from the information below that she shall survive and remain until after the 2nd exodus is completed then America/Babylon shall sink at some time.
I'm Severing the Head Off Babylon 7-22-24@2:11 PM
Daughter Babylon, your nation which you still call America is no more. It has been written out of existence. Now it's come to term. I shall divide her inside and out as I have spoken. I shall divide her land, I shall divide her people. The people….brothers and sisters shall rise up against one another. States upon States shall rise up against one another. They will turn upon the government.
When I send My great earthquake during the time of the Great Day of My Son the Risen Lamb, His Day of Wrath, My Great Day I will divide you America..... Babylon. I will divide her physically. I will overflow your banks with tidal waves and tsunamis. But I shall let you remain a float long enough for those that will come to Me, through My Son Jesus Christ to come. And those that were left behind by their own failure to let go of the world and failed to repent who
depended on other people to get them to Heaven. That's not how it works...... It's the 2nd Exodus Daughter. I shall divide Babylon inside and out……The sword has fallen upon babylon. The sword has fallen and now I begin the severing. I begin with the head and then I take the limbs off. I take the heart! The heart daughter remember is connected to the spiritual and the physical. The heart of this people is filthy lucre and idol worship. When the nukes go off I take the heart and it will not be prevented. Warn My children to be ready. (Referring to suitcase nukes The Mushroom Cloud Dream 8-7-24@4:57 AM & 6:53 AM; 8 Black Suitcases and More Dream 7-24-24 to 7-28-24; 3-2-1 Out of Time 8-2-24@3:59PM; The 8 Black Suitcase Nukes Dream 7-5-24 to 7-6-24; 8 Black Suitcases Warning 7-8-24@11:21 AM; 8 Black Suitcases Vision 3-16-21@1:29PM )
The 2nd Exodus Dream 4-11-24@7:13 AM
I dreamed I was leading people, gathering them together and we were travelling to safety. I was also gathering supplies all in the Name of Jesus Christ……“That’s where you’re wrong, there’s always hope found through Jesus Christ. It’s time to repent and mend your ways, and if you do you can come with me,” I said. “With you! Vicki, where could you possibly go in times like these?” she said forlornly. “To safety,” I said confidently, “I’m gathering people of the Lord Jesus Christ and leading them to safety. To areas designated for protection with the Lord’s special army’s help. From there we shall lead the people out of America’s borders. Those who did not come out beforehand and were left behind. I and another like me with the Lord’s help are gathering all and we shall exit this now cursed country and lead them to safety.”
“Just like Moses led the Children of Israel,” my old friend responded somewhat sarcastically because hope had almost completely died within her. I replied with a big smile. “Exactly! The Second Exodus has begun!” …..“Then there’s no hope, no hope at all,” she cried out in despair. “That’s where you’re wrong, there’s always hope found through Jesus Christ. It’s time to repent and mend your ways, and if you do you can come with me,” I said. “With you! Vicki, where could you possibly go in times like these?” she said forlornly. “To safety,” I said confidently, “I’m gathering people of the Lord Jesus Christ and leading them to safety. To areas designated for protection with the Lord’s special army’s help. From there we shall lead the people out of America’s borders. Those who did not come out beforehand and were left behind. I and another like me with the Lord’s help are gathering all and we shall exit this now cursed country and lead them to safety.”
“Just like Moses led the Children of Israel,” my old friend responded somewhat sarcastically because hope had almost completely died within her. I replied with a big smile. “Exactly! The Second Exodus has begun!” Her eyes opened up wide in surprise as understanding began to dawn in her mind. She was taught about Father God in Heaven and Jesus Christ when young.
“Could it be true, is it really possible?” She asked herself. Then she looked at me intently and asked, “Vicki where have you been? Why are you here? I was sure you would have been raptured with all the other missing people. You’re still so close to Jesus,” she said. “Father God and Jesus Christ had other plans for me, I’m closer now to them than ever before,” I replied. “Okay then,” she asked, “Where have you been all this time?” “Israel,” I replied. “The Israelites descendants cover all the earth in addition to those adopted through Jesus Christ.
An Official Death Certificate from the Angel Gabriel 7-23-24@5:48 PM
"Hear you now oh world and inhabitants above and under the firmament's Heaven, land, and waters. This is the official announcement of the demise of the horrible and evil nation of Babylon. She is being divided inside by her people within and shall be ripped into pieces, divided in its physical land. This is the civil war that has already begun inside babylon's walls of people against people, state against states, governments, states, and people warring against one another."
3-26-22 @ 10:43 AM A Visions of a Secret Conversation
“If you join my coalition and aid in the destruction of America, then you will become a strong country with my help...with all of mother Russia behind you,” Putin responded confidently and smoothly! “I shall give you more technology to advance your weaponry, as well as your economy!”Kim Jong Un paused momentarily then commenced speaking. “We have no love here for the United States. What do you require from me, because I know you Vladimir Putin? You do nothing without it bettering your position!”“Kim, you wound me with your words,” Putin said slowly. “Vladimir, this is the way of a good leader! Now tell me if I join your coalition, what will you require from me and my country? I know you well Vladimir! You do nothing without it being to your advantage somehow!”Putin clears his throat slightly and then smiles broadly. “I would require for you to take control of South Korea, because if not, she will throw her support for the United States and aid her once we’ve struck!” “That will not be an easy task,” Kim said thoughtfully. Then he speaks again. “If I agree to your coalition terms, then I would require something from you!” Vladimir Putin isn’t moved at all. It is almost as if he is expecting Kim Jong Un to ask for something! Then he spoke up and asked Kim quickly, “Something besides the generous offer that has been given to you already? What would this requirement be Kim?”
Kim's face was serious as he spoke and said quickly, “I have promised the United States a Christmas gift! My gift is late! Late gifts can be sent at any time! My requirement is this. North Korea gets a turn at unleashing our nuclear weapons upon their soils during the strikes before the invasion. If this requirement is met, then I will verbally agree to your coalition. I will sign it the moment you make your first strike with your nuclear and hypersonic weapons upon the United States. These are my terms and conditions!”Putin’s face spreads into a pure, evil grin and then he speaks. “I like your style Kim. By all means, join in the fun. You can be given a slot of the third!” Kim Jung Un face broke into a huge grin and then he begins laughing a horrible laugh. Putin joins in. I can see both of them laughing and as I am seeing this, I find my body beginning to shake.
A few other related dreams:
A Dream of Nuclear War 12-6-23@12:09 AM, 1:15 AM & 6:42 AM
Pride Brings a Destructive Fall Dream, 6-27-23 @ 6:35 AM (Uploaded 6-28-23)
Within 1 Hour Babylon Falls Dream 2-4-23 to 2-6-23
Wretched Babylon Your Last Breath Soon Comes 4-24-23 @11:39 AM
(America will be physically invaded but invasion can come from more than one way. )
There's More Coming Than We Realize Dream 11-3-23@ 3:51 AM & 6:55 AM (Uploaded 11-6-23)
America is next. She must be broken down further, not only from the inside but the outside too. Now is the time for us to act in military force, nuclear and hydrothermal attacks followed by invasion. After all, we need some of the land left inhabitable for our people to rule.
The Giants that Fall Dream 11-10-23@11:30 PM; 11-11-23@3:30 PM & 12: 29 PM
“These,” Raphael said, “are the giants that fall. Those loyal to lucifer, to satan and their kingdom that does the man of sin's bidding. Soon they will not be sending the giants to America alone where war and invasion allows them to come in undercover of these activities.
The Black King Rises 11-26-22@7:06 PM
The trigger has been pulled my daughter. The bullet has hit its mark. War comes to America. War comes to Babylon and in a few short days Babylon falls! Tell my people to get the sin out now because tomorrow is too late for some. Hawaii is about to go under daughter. Your Pearl Harbor moment is the invasion on your nation. Look to the 7th daughter. Look to the 7th for the ending of it all! The beginning of the end this I say.
Angel in the Sky Dream #1 of 3 10-22-22@12:12 AM
“And upon you O’ America, O’ Babylon of old, you will go by sword and famine! You shall be destroyed by war and invasion and within 1 hour your walls shall fall!”
The Hybrids Are Coming Dream 6-17-24 to 6-23-24
FOR YOUR LACK OF MERCY: Death for some, while captivity for others! For to obtain mercy, one must show mercy! America as a country as of late...You have not operated in my mercy!
(Physical captivity is coming but also debt is a form of bondage..captivity and enslavement. Definition of captivity: the state or period of being held, imprisoned, enslaved, or confined.)
The 2nd Exodus Dream 4-11-24@7:13 AM
“If America had repented when she was called to do so things might have been somewhat different,” I replied. “Sin is the cause, and we all reap what we sow in our actions and thoughts whether it’s person by person or as a whole nation. America is an evil, wicked nation now that it no longer serves God but satan, the devil and has led the whole world astray as a nation in its evil, wicked ways. This is not all either to happen,” I said, “we have yet to go into captivity! Our enemies are soon to invade on all sides.”
It’s Here! 9-17-22@7:21AM
You can pray for your enemies to show mercy to you as your nation is struck and then goes into... Captivity! For although not one state of your United States will be fully invaded while some of my little children still abide in your now wretched land, into captivity your people shall surely go!
Wretched Babylon Your Last Breath Soon Comes 4-24-23 @11:39 AM
My hand now moves swiftly against Babylon, once known to Me as America the brave, the free, the beautiful. Your stink reaches to the heights of My Heaven. Your filth is like no other people before you. I died for you. Even gave My life for all to go free of sin’s bondage. Now you shall wear the chains of bondage, both in the spiritual and of the physical type. Into captivity you shall go, but only after you are destroyed, in less than one of your hours, O’ Babylon of old, who is now Babylon of new. You shall burn and melt by hottest raging fire. Destruction. Devastation. Calamity upon calamity. Woe upon woe. No food shall you have except for My holy remnant, for upon the dropping of such weapons, most remaining food supplies shall be far spent within weeks. Weeks, I say. Did you prepare for this? Did you heed My warnings?
America’s Captivity Vision 11-28-23@10:55 AM
I Send Darkness, War & Captivity, 5-8-23 @ 10:10 AM
My Door is Shut O’ Babylon 6-19-23 @8:44 PM
FOR YOUR IDOL WORSHIP AND LEADING OTHERS TO STRAY FROM MY TRUTH: Life for most under foreign rule until such a time true repentance is found in your hearts and then, only then will I step in and aid you as a whole people against your enemy. Yet not one state shall be fully controlled by your enemies, for there will be many!
(See captivity)
FOR YOUR MURDERING OF THE INNOCENT: A life for a life as my hand of judgment falls upon your land and upon all, all this wicked, evil world now controlled by your enemy Satan...but to a point! Even still he, Satan answers to Father God, doing only what he is allowed for his, Father God’s divine will to be fully accomplished upon your world!
( Only God knows the amount to this one but here is one example.)
Trust me.... trust me... only me and trust in me, in my holy ways and I shall sustain you!
In moments of fear, you can cast them away in my name when you trust fully in me and me alone!
Do not limit my ability to help you by thinking only a few things are possible. Broaden your mind in your expectancy of my helping you... of my protecting you because when I say all, all things are possible through me to him that believeth when they ask according to my holy word then “ALL” is exactly what I shall do for my children.... if you let me...if you will believe in me fully!!!
I am your hope now and I will be your hope then, as well as your peace, your joy, your love even in the darkest of days still to come!
Never lose sight of the fact that I am all I tell you I am, I show you I am. Yet, I am also so much more!
So, change is here and more is to come. But the only thing that is truly unchanging is me, Daughter for I change not! So, place all I say...all your hope and trust in me!
Countdown has begun Daughter
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 and when it gets to 0, war will start because in the realm of the spirit, my realm, it has already begun.
12/30/21@6:08 PM On the Eve of It All Word
The clock struck twelve Midnight has arrived From ten to one For zero has come! COUNTDOWN HAS INDEED ENDED AND WAR NOW PROGRESSES ONWARD.
(Ukraine/Russia conflict begins them all with Kazakhstan as the trigger which ran for 9 days from January 2, 2022 until January 11 2022; The Israel–Hamas war began on 7 October 2023 when Hamas launched coordinated armed incursions on Israel from the Gaza Strip.)
Go now Daughter. Go I charge you once again do not hesitate to share what I speak to you. Do not let their cruel words and harsh looks dissuade you!!! You must be obedient to me and me alone first over all else!
I promise you Daughter I shall be ever with you!
But again, Daughter if you do not warn and choose to walk in disobedience before me your holy God, then I will require the blood of those you failed to warn to be found on your hands. And Daughter, I tell you now, this is not a price you want to pay or a burden of weight you want to carry through your life with you!
I understand Jesus! I understand and although once again these are hard words you have given me, I will send the warning. I have vowed to you that I will sound the alarm and raise the warning. I choose to hold true to my vow with your help and strength.
You never promised this would be an easy road, but you did promise that you would indeed be with me every step of the way and you have been Jesus! You have been!
You have been to me and still are a friend like no other! A companion of hope and love!
No Jesus, I will not walk willingly in disobedience before you! I choose to walk in whatever path you lead me. So, I will warn Jesus. I will warn until I have no breath to warn left in my body!
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
1 To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
2 A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
3 A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;
4 A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance;
5 A time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;
6 A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away;
7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
8 A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war, and a time of peace.
Mark 8:36-37
36 For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
37 Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
James 4:17 Therefore to him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is sin.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
Malachi 3:6 For I am the Lord, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
A Word of Change. A Word of Judgment. 12-18-21@3:30AM Confirmation in this word PDF
A Vision of a Secret Conversation 3-26-22 @ 10:43AM With Confirmation Updated 10-31-24
Lord Jesus, I had a vision, an awake dream with my eyes fully open after praying about all these things coming upon our world. I was praying and interceding and asking You to aid our nation and world. I was asking You to keep revealing hidden things and expose them in Your holy light, and You did so. Thank you, my sweet, lovely JesusChrist. Thank You.
I see a grand office, a place where a person of great power would work. As my eyes focus on the large, impressive desk in the middle of the room, I see a man sitting there. It is Vladimir Putin. I know this is his office, but it’s not his presidential office. It is a duplicate, a replica of his presidential one that he now sits in.
He begins making some type of video call. I can’t see all the details of the office or even the desk except for Putin and the video screen in front of him that sits upon his desktop. It looks to be, if I guessed, 10 inches wide and maybe 8 inches long, but measurements have never been a strong point for me.
I know this is a private call and the device connected to the screen guarantees it will be so somehow. I know this in my spirit as I see this vision, this daydream displaying before me. As soon as a call connects, I hear a voice on the other end ask, “What do you want, Vladimir Putin?” “Have you considered my proposal yet, Kim?” Putin asked in a self-assured silky voice. Then I realized that there must be some type of voice translator inside this secret device, because I can now see both Vladimir Putin and the person on the screen. He is Kim Jong Un, leader of North Korea.
As I’m watching with my eyes open this vision, I am hearing now these words being spoken: “I have Vladimir, but what’s in it for me, for North Korea?” Kim Jong Un asked in a selfish tone of voice. “If you join my coalition and aid in the destruction of America then you will become a strong country with my help, with all of mother Russia behind you.” Putin responded confidently and smoothly. “I shall give you more technology to advance your weaponry as well as your
Kim Jong Un paused momentarily, then commenced speaking, “We have no love here for the United States. What do you require from me because I know you Vladimir Putin. You do nothing without it bettering your position.” “Kim, you wound me with your words.” Putin said slowly.
“Vladimir, this is the way of a good leader. Now tell me, if I join your coalition, what will you require from me and my country? I know you well Vladimir, you do nothing without it being to your advantage somehow.”
Putin clears his throat slightly then smiles broadly, “I would require for you to take control of South Korea because If not she will throw her support for the United States and aid her once we’ve struck.” “That will not be an easy task.” Kim said thoughtfully, then he spoke again, “If I agree to your coalition terms, then I would require something from you.”
Vladimir Putin isn’t moved at all. It is almost as if he’s expecting Kim Jong Un to ask for something. Then he spoke up and asked Kim quickly, “Something besides the generous offer that has been given to you already? What would this requirement be, Kim?” Kim’s face was serious as he spoke and said quickly, “I have promised the United States a Christmas gift. My gift is late. Late gifts can be sent at any time. My requirement is this: North Korea gets a turn at unleashing our nuclear weapons upon their soils during the strikes before the invasion. If this requirement is met, then I will verbally agree to your coalition. I will sign it the moment you make your first strike with your nuclear and hypersonic weapons upon the United States. These are my terms and conditions.”
Putin’s face spreads into a pure evil grin and then he speaks, ”I like your style, Kim. By all means join in the fun. You can be given a slot on the third.” Kim Jong Un’s face broke into a huge grin, and then he began laughing a horrible laugh. Putin joins in. I can see both of them laughing, and as I’m seeing this I find my body beginning to tremble, to shake. I hear Kim Jong Un then say, “Then, Vladimir Putin, we shall join your coalition. Thank you for your generous offer and for all the prior advanced technology and weaponry that Russia has been so willing to help us with. North Korea shall rise to be a strong nation.”
“Then it’s done?” Putin asks. “Yes, Vladimir, it’s a deal. North Korea shall join you and the other nations gathered against the United States and I shall enjoy watching her burn.” Then this vision, this daydream disappears, it’s gone. “Jesus, Jesus help us.” “All is set, daughter,” I heard Him respond, “all is set. Prepare your heart in Me, in Me daughter of faith and grace, in Me alone.”
Daniel 2:22; Proverbs 15:3; 2 Chronicles 16:9; Amos 3:7 Hebrews 4:13
