Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalms 46:10
Let me invite you this moment to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. It's easy because Jesus Christ has already paid the price for your redemption and salvation. It's by His grace you can be saved. All you have to do is confess and believe in your heart in Him as you pray this prayer in faith.
Dear Jesus Christ speak to my heart. Change my life. Forgive me of my sins. Wash me clean by your precious Blood. I believe and confess you are the Son of God. You came here by virgin birth as both God and man. I believe and confess You gave your life at Calvary and rose again victoriously on the 3rd day. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Redeemer before God and men. In Jesus Christ's Almighty Name I pray this. Amen!
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

"I pray as you read these messages, you will be drawn closer to our lovely Jesus. Please pray for clarity, discernment, and personal direction. And truly, if you have questions about the subject matter, please consult the Lord - He's the originator of the content of these dreams, words, and visions. He is all-knowing. Stay under His precious blood always." - Vicki

& the 2 Witnesses eBook

About the eBooks
Over 300 dreams,
words, & visions given from Father God, Jesus Christ, His only begotten Son, the sweet Holy Spirit, and Angels Gabriel & Michael.
They were received, journaled, prayed over, and faithfully shared on social media sites. What you will be reading are the complete un-abridged, original transcripts as Vicki Goforth Parnell received them with no added interpretations or embellishments.
eBooks links are listed below or by bundle.

Original Wording
If you share the eBook or any of the messages from this site--and we hope you do-
we ask that the original wording be maintained.
Please help us preserve the accuracy of the content.
Thank you!

Free to All
The eBooks are free.
You are encouraged to share it with loved ones and friends but please see notice below concerning the sharing of all such things.

Please Note
This is not a professionally edited eBook and we appreciate your understanding with any errors you find. In some cases, however, the wording is exactly how the information was presented to Vicki.
PDF Transcripts
listed by subject
Note: most transcripts involve several subjects. The main subject of the dream, word, vision, or visitation is how each is listed. Transcripts below are only a portion of what is in the eBooks.
All videos, PDF's and such like of all the dreams, visions, words, teachings, and such like given to me from Jesus Christ, Father God and all things from God's Heaven can be shared and used freely to glorify God and to warn others. This also includes all contents shared from the My lovely Jesus Ministry. But if you change any part of them, use them deceptively by presenting their meaning to mean anything but the truth of how they are given then you do not have permission to utilize any such part of the my lovely Jesus ministry or things shared pertaining to me directly, directly or indirectly except the sinner’s prayer on each page.
If you have been asked already to remove all items from the My lovely Jesus Ministry and profess to be a “christian” then walk uprightly the integrity of the Lord Jesus Christ and honor this request. Please pray, try, test and discern all this in Jesus Christ’s Name I ask and pray. Thank you and God bless.
Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ always.
Vicki Goforth Parnell
God’s not concerned about your correct spelling.
God’s not concerned about your correct spelling. Instead, He will give His messages to you in any form that you can receive and clearly understand it.
When a prophetic word, dream, or vision is given from Heaven it is important for the message to be understood by the one receiving it. The message is thereby delivered in words, imagery, and concepts that are familiar to that individual. God is not concerned with correct grammar but in getting the message to the person in the language (way of speaking) they understand. God will always use what is familiar to that person. This is also why Jesus Christ spoke in parables with imagery of familiar things in the area He was living in while He walked the earth as both God and man.
This is also why in dreams, visions, and words at times there will be familiar language and imagery on the person’s level that will allow understanding to be received by the the one it’s being given to. It is usually done in a way that is meaningful to the person receiving the message. The use of familiar language in prophetic messages is a way to bridge the gap between Father God, Jesus Christ and mankind making the spiritual truth of the message available to all with ears to hear.
Jesus Christ & Father God will talk to you in what language, pictures, and symbols you are familiar with yourself. Even phrases that will convey their message to the person that may not be utilized in another part of the country or even the next city nearby. They are not going to talk to the uneducated man in the language of a professor or doctor but on his level of understanding because they love us and want the message they are giving to be received, understood, and not rejected.
Please take this to the Lord Jesus Christ in prayer and try the spirits.
God bless.
Vicki Goforth Parnell. 5-4-24
Please note that in any video, PDF, and such like wherein I share information such as bullet points then unless I say it's from Father God and Jesus Christ directly it is my own understanding. This means there may still be more pieces that were not provided at that time that later changes the understanding differently than before. This is why I remind you to pray, try, and test them in Jesus Christ's Name. We are called to do so in the Word of God. Thank you and God bless. Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ always.
Vicki Goforth Parnell

Newest Confirmations
These are the latest confirmations. The Majority can be found on the confirmation page of this website. Everything is done for the glory of Father God in Jesus Christ's Name.
Robots And The Beast System Dream
2-25-25 to 3-1-25 Shared on 3-3-25
With Confirmation

We Have Arrived Dream 5-15-21@6:19 AM With Confirmation 3-8-25

NEW I Will Not Be Mocked. The Door to Grace is Shut
7-30-24@7:16 PM & Other Shared Content with Confirmation concerning Fire & Burning.
Newest PDF's
Jesus Christ, Witnesses & 144,000
Mr. Zeb Dreams 1-4

3 Days of Darkness:

Babylon-America & War

Resharing...The Return of a King Dream
10-23-21@ 4:51AM
This dream had been removed off the website and out of the books without my knowledge.
Michael the Archangel, Gabriel, & Other Angels
A Holy Decree and Official Announcement of the Locusts and Earthquake to Come from the Angel Gabriel
12-17-23 @7:20AM

Antichrist & Fallen Angel Technology

Nephilim, Fallen Angels, & More