Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Psalms 46:10
Let me invite you this moment to accept Jesus Christ into your heart as your Lord and Savior. It's easy because Jesus Christ has already paid the price for your redemption and salvation. It's by His grace you can be saved. All you have to do is confess and believe in your heart in Him as you pray this prayer in faith.
Dear Jesus Christ speak to my heart. Change my life. Forgive me of my sins. Wash me clean by your precious Blood. I believe and confess you are the Son of God. You came here by virgin birth as both God and man. I believe and confess You gave your life at Calvary and rose again victoriously on the 3rd day. I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Redeemer before God and men. In Jesus Christ's Almighty Name I pray this. Amen!
Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Stan Johnson that’s not right and it’s incorrect sir. 12-13-24
Even though I have publicly asked Stan Johnson from of Prophecy Club & Prophecy with Stan to remove all all content that I received and shared from Father God, Jesus Christ, and from God's Heaven publicly on 9-11-24 due to his misuse and deliberate misinterpretation of the meaning of these precious words, dreams, and visions he has refused to do so. In addition he is still sharing some of them after the public announcement in which he is referring to me as the Copyright Prophet. This is evident by the information shared in this video. He is the only person after much prayer and fasting I have had to ask to stop using these things in all the years of warning in Jesus Christ's Name. How is this honorable or walking in the integrity of Jesus Christ? I have presented the evidence of all that transpired between us in a video shared publicly titled "Why I've Asked Stan Johnson to Remove all Things Shared to Me From Father God & Jesus Christ 9-11-24" under the unction of the sweet Holy Spirit. I had trusted him and called him a friend. I forgive you Stan Johnson, I really do and I. But sir, this is not honorable and just actions. ​​This is not right.
The information Stan is giving is incorrect in this video. Again I say these messages have not been copyrighted nor my name and are free for all to use for the glory of God if you haven't been asked not to use or share them because of misuse or you presented them differently than how they were received. That is changing the very message Jesus Christ and Father God are conveying. Yet Stan says this on his video beginning at the 15:17 time mark.
“Okay so now let's talk about the copyright Prophet. There is a prophet out there that has copyrighted the messages that they get from God and they have said that we cannot use their name. So I won't use their name and since they copyright it, it makes me wonder just how much of it is even from God anyway. But I'm going to go ahead and put this out okay. So the first thing is they say this copyright Prophet that won't let people use what God has spoken to them says first of all, we're going to see Putin nuke Ukraine….. Then he goes into telling more of the rest of the dream.
One of my many questions is this, “If Stan thinks they're not from God why would he share them? Why would he choose to share something that in his opinion might not be from God?” God holds each of us accountable to what we share, say and do. No one is exempt. This information he shared came from the dream from my lovely Jesus Christ titled, "The 4 Link Chain of Suddenlies Dream 11-24-24@2:58 AM”. This is on his video titled, "Russia threatens nukes upon Ukraine- Prophecy confirmed 12-5-24. Prophecy with Stan” starting under the 15:17 time mark.
If you would like to understand what has transpired to cause me to ask Stan Johnson to not use anything released from the My lovely Jesus Ministry or simply in my name then please watch the video in which the public announcement was made by the YouTube or Rumble Video link below.
Or you can read the many emails that are posted on the My lovely Jesus Ministry website. Here is the direct link to this page.
Stan Johnson Page Updated 12-13-24
YouTube Video Link
Why am I sharing this? Because of questions and concerns like this that was left on Rumble.

Rumble Video Link

Please pray about this in Jesus Christ’s Name and try, test and discern all these things according to the Word of God. Yet still you can never let these things get you down. You pray for and bless those who despitefully use you with true forgiveness and remember always. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13.
God bless.
Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ always.
Vicki Goforth Parnell 12-13-24
Stan Johnson that’s not right and it’s incorrect sir 12-13-24 PDF
Emails between Stan Johnson and me
Why I Asked Stan Johnson from of Prophecy Club & Prophecy with Stan to remove all all content that I received and shared from Father God, Jesus Christ, and From God's Heaven.
With much prayer, fasting and studying the Word of God as I have sought Jesus Christ's truth in all that has transpired. Then with the proof I have acquired I made the request to Stan Johnson to remove all content that I have shared from all God's Heaven immediately off all his sites. He has refused even though his actions have proved to be manipulative. In addition many times in dreams and visions that he shared that I was given when sharing them if it referenced the rapture he would allude to it being my own opinion or remark. That is not the case.
I have made this disclaimer many times on the videos from Jesus Christ and Father God and it is also on the ebook/transcript page of the www.mylovelyjesusministry.com where all the PDF's are located.
All videos, PDF's and such like of all the dreams, visions, and words given to me from Jesus Christ, Father God, and all things from God's Heaven can be shared and used freely to glorify God and to warn others. But if you change any part of them, use them in a deceptive manner, and Holy Spirit lets me know then you will be asked to immediately remove all the information I have shared from all your sites and any other locations immediately. I have made this known publicly on the videos and sites since the beginning.
The decision to have all content removed will be made after seeking Father God's will in Jesus Christ's Name. Thank you and God bless. Stay under the Blood of Jesus Christ always. Vicki Goforth Parnell
​When you are given a dream, word, vision, or any other thing from Father God or Jesus Christ then you must write or record every word down exactly as it is recalled. You are responsible for the integrity of it to be as it was given to you because you answer for all your actions when you stand before Jesus Christ on judgment Day. After looking through some of his videos I have seen this for myself. One example of a recent one would be Prophecy with Stan's Reduced suitcase nukes. 8/23/24 on YouTube. This is taken from this Now There Will Only be 10 Dream 8-19-24 at 10:39 AM from Jesus Christ and Father God in which he is reading from when he makes this comment.
Here is the insert.
15:34 Time Mark. (Jesus Christ is speaking) I shall sink her. So her memory shall be no more after the removal of all who are Mine. Then Stan says, "Now...I wish that this did not have so much...all of her talk. All the things coming from Vicki. I wish it didn't have so much talk about I'm gonna come and save you. Because then the pre-tribbers say, I don't have to worry. There you go.
As you can see in the screenshot Jesus Christ identified Himself as the one speaking. These are not my own words but what was in the dream. A dream which Stan agreed himself is from God or he wouldn't have shared it. As you can see in the picture below he is reading the dream of mine he has displayed.
On September 9th 2024 I received an email from Stan Johnson asking me to not speak on the rapture and give people false hope. I prayed and fasted and went to the Word of God for my answers. Because this is where all truth is found and if you profess to love Jesus Christ and call Him Lord you are instructed to live by the Word of God and be led and walking in the Holy Spirit. My answers came from the Holy Bible which he brushed aside. I am still very grieved and pray for him in Jesus Christ's Name. Here is what has transpired in addition to other emails I am now being told by Jesus Christ to share and no longer keep these things hidden. Luke 8:17...The truth must come out. I do this for the glory of Father God in Jesus Christ's Name.

AskStan email
​I am at a loss for words and my soul and heart are grieved. I have went to the Word of God to seek His truth. Not from one person who says he received a revelation that no one else has. That goes against the very Word of God.
2 Peter 1:20-21.
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
In addition we are not to contend/argue over the Holy Bible, the Word of God yet he spent 3 hours debating it. Definition of debate according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary: a contention by words or arguments; to argue about.
2 Timothy 2:14-17
14 Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.
15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
My heart is broken. I am still praying about this in Jesus Christ's Name.
Stan said this in the second half of the screenshot of this email. This is saying no one sees the Antichrist until he sits on the throne, which is the Ark of the Covenant which happens with 3 ½ years remaining before Armageddon.
I have lots more should you be open to listening.
But, you have been warned.
I had this dream The Coronation Dream 11- 8- 22 & 11- 9- 22 which there was two videos made that said it was confirmed that Antichrist was indeed crowned underground in secret during the cop27 meetings. I saw this occur. A link was posted under the dream and from there I have been able with Jesus Christ's Help to obtain the videos, video links, and type the quotes made that I shall provide here. They are also available on the confirmation page of the My lovely Jesus Ministry website. Here is the quotes from each and the links. So it would appear this has already occurred and not as Stan had the divine revelation on how it would occur. My heart is grieved.
Actual words from The AntiChrist, the Two Witnesses & the Third Temple | Steve Quayle with Doug Hagmann | The Hagmann Report | 11/17/2022
The AC will come on the scene, the antichrist. The AC was crowned in a secret ceremony where they never showed his face. Even to all the attendees, the devotees, the luciferians because it wasn’t the time to reveal. But they had the ceremony and it really went on. There was a prophecy by a lady prophet…um I forget her name and I don’t mean to diminish, but she actually saw it. Then I reached out to people that I know and I said, “Did that really happen?” And the answer was, “Absolutely it happened.”
Actual video comments below:
Kill Grid Countdown - A Special Interview With Steve Quayle and Mike Adams (12-5-22)
The only safe place is going to be with Jesus. And I’m talking about people with a personal relationship and not an intellectual head knowledge…but Jesus. But there’s no talk of Him. Yet we’re talking about the antichrist, the world leader..prince Charles now King Charles is talking about the man.
By the way in COP27 in Egypt they coronated the antichrist behind the scene and only the ultimate elite watched it happen.
Stan's words from above email....Or… you can be in the right attitude and do as I have asked.
Let me make this clear. I speak what Jesus Christ, Father God, and sweet Holy Spirit tells me...not man, not woman or anything else. I am not perfect. I am the least of the least but I won't be manipulated into speaking what someone else is trying to force me to do. Or any other actions because I answer to Father God in Heaven. Not Stan or anyone else for what I do and say. This is wrong and I am so very grieved over all this. No longer am I righteously angry but I am also very, very disappointed in all I have seen and witnessed.
Emails Concerning the Taiwan Vision titled Vision of Xi Jinping 1-21-23@10:04AM (Shared 1-31-24) That Stan Misinterpreted and Sent Me Emails From His viewers Speaking Mean things. Proof Did Come Out That Vision Was True. Father God I give you all glory for it too.
Below is Stan's video on YouTube.
The emails will explain what was actually in the vision then afterwards I will provide the proof which again can already be found on the www.mylovleyjesusministry.com confirmations page also that glorifies Father God and Jesus Christ alone.

If this is the video link doesn't work then it is on the Confirmation page of this website also.
Actual comments from the China Just Made It's Move YouTube video from Full Spectrum Survival.
07 second Time Mark: It’s very concerning for our community. The Chinese President is reported by Western Intelligence to have officially launched what they are calling a covert operation to take over Taiwan. This happened since the Chinese New Year on February 10th. It has been code named “Dang Wei”. I’m sure I’m saying that wrong, that is should return and they’re saying that it’s going to be in full force by the month of November for 2024. Ends at 37 second Time mark.
***Note: Dang Wei might be spelled wrong due to spelling it by the sound of his words.****

This video is by the same man but it has a different title and picture. This is the original one that was sent to me and I watched . It is the same one that was sent to Stan but it's no longer on the web. So there appears to be 2 different videos. Below is a screenshot I had taken to share it with the My lovely Jesus Ministry pages. This is the picture that's missing from the facebook post where it has since been removed. There are 2 different titles and two different pictures and both videos said about the same thing.
False Prophets & Leslie Johnson's rules for prophets emails with my questions between Stan and me.
I have removed most of the content from Chris Reed only leaving enough to show the information was sent. As I had told Stan in our conversations that started on 9-2-24 when he sent this email and I began asking Jesus Christ about the men listed. I asked, prayed tried and tested the spirit within them. When it came to Chris Reed I heard these words. "Sin in the camp." I then under the leading of the sweet Holy Spirit not to read these full confirmations. I did not test or pray if He is a child of God that has fallen or not. On 8-29-24 on the Roys Report website this article came out
President of Morning Star Resigns, Then Admits Sexual Misconduct By Rebecca Hopkins.
But there are many more articles too on this matter. We need to keep him in our prayers if he truly is one og Jesus Christ's children.
Random Mean email
My Lord Jesus Christ told me not to respond to this one so I just prayed about it even though it troubled me. We are told to walk in the spirit. We do this daily and when we pray in Jesus Christ's Name we enter the spirit realm because God is a Spirit.
John 4:24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
Let me stop right here for a moment. The first time I met Stan Johnson he asked for a zoom call in 2022 which I agreed to after praying. The couple working in the ministry at that time participated so know of all that occurred. During this meeting Stan asked for me to pray and ask for a personal word for him from the Lord. Yet here he is saying and says it in other emails that Words from the Lord contain too much flesh. I am now Lord willing providing the email where I received a Word from the Lord Jesus Christ and shared it with him.